Answers to your top copywriting questions
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Answers to your top copywriting questions

What is a copywriter and what’s it like to work as one?
A copywriter writes for marketing and advertising. But it’s not about being salesly or pushy—copywriters create connections between people who have a want or a need with the company or organization that has the solution to that want or need. Copywriters can work on-staff, as contractors, or as freelancers, they can work part-time or full-time, and they can craft exactly the kind of career they’d like, working when, where, and how they like.

How much can a copywriter Earn?
A copywriter writes for marketing and advertising. But it’s not about being salesly or pushy—copywriters create connections between people who have a want or a need with the company or organization that has the solution to that want or need. Copywriters can work on-staff, as contractors, or as freelancers, they can work part-time or full-time, and they can craft exactly the kind of career they’d like, working when, where, and how they like.

How soon can I start earning an income?
Pretty darn quickly! As soon as you start learning (and practicing what you’re learning!) you’re already more knowledgeable than most potential clients and can start genuinely helping them and benefitting their businesses—and, of course, earning income.)
How do I get work with no experience?
You don’t—BUT “experience” doesn’t need to mean work experience! You just need to be able to demonstrate that you can write great copy. If you can write great copy, companies will want to work with you! That’s why we teach you to create spec ads—pieces that clearly demonstrate your skill before you’ve been hired by anyone.
How do I know if it’s right for me?
It’s not a matter of copywriting being the right career; the perfect career. Because there *are* no perfect careers! You’re thinking that you have to be SURE it’s “right” or “perfect” in order to get something out of it…and that’s just not the case. It’s not about being sure, it’s about being committed to taking action. Because if you just follow the steps that we give you, you WILL get something out of it, no matter what; it WILL pay for itself many times over.
Do I have to choose a niche?
Nope! The very start of your career is NOT the time to limit your opportunities. Besides, how could you possibly know for sure what you want to do? Instead, you should build a portfolio that shows a depth and breadth of experience so ANY client is confident that you could write well for them.)
How much opportunity is there, really?
A ton. And there’s far more need for good, skilled copywriters than there are good, skilled copywriters to fill them. There are millions of companies and organizations around the world, 538,000 new businesses starting every month, and you only need 4 or 5 clients each month to make a very comfortable, full-time living. There’s a TON of opportunity.
Should I use job bidding sites like Upwork?
Heck no! You’ll waste time on unread proposals and have to undercut your rates just to compete. Best case, you end up working for much less than you should. Worst case, you end up disappointed and disillusioned (like most do). Instead, we’ll teach you exactly how to find and land clients who’ll pay you well!)
Why Some Copywriters Fail?
Usually copywriters who “fail” fall into one of two camps: they don’t have copywriting training or a system for landing clients or they have training, but are afraid of failure so they give up. However, that’s not so much “failure” as it is quitting. As long as you continue to take action, then there’s no such thing as “failure.” You will make progress toward your goals. Progress may not always be as fast as you like, so it’s crucial to stay focused on your goals.
Can you break down copywriter salary numbers?
A copywriter’s salary depends on experience, location (though that’s becoming less of a factor!), among other factors. Yes, it’s absolutely possible to make 6 figures as a copywriter. At a certain point—multi-6 figures—you will hit a bandwidth limit. At this point there are options for scaling further!
How much does it cost to start a copywriting career?
The cost of a copywriting career is the cost of your portfolio website, which is generally around $20/month. Too many copywriters complicate this by spending money on unnecessary items and services. But you need clients to have a copywriting career. And having a website helps you land those clients. Fancy software? A logo? None of that lands clients.
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Is it possible to write copy part time?
Absolutely. In fact, that’s how most of our students start—even those who want to do it full time eventually. You can absolutely build a career on the nights and weekends and clients will be perfectly happy to work with you that way.
Is it possible to change careers to
become a copywriter?
Yup. Almost every single one of our Comprehensive Copywriting Academy students comes from a non-writing background (though we all love words!). Backgrounds include restaurant staff, social workers, legal assistants, military personnel, teachers, nurses … you name it!
What obstacles will I face
becoming a copywriter?
Absolutely. In fact, that’s how most of our students start—even those who want to do it full time eventually. You can absolutely build a career on the nights and weekends and clients will be perfectly happy to work with you that way.
Can I replace my full-time income?
Yup. Almost every single one of our Comprehensive Copywriting Academy students comes from a non-writing background (though we all love words!). Backgrounds include restaurant staff, social workers, legal assistants, military personnel, teachers, nurses … you name it!
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