Embarking on any kind of new project or journey is overwhelming—and a major part of what’s overwhelming about it is not even knowing where to start. What should your first step be? How do you begin?
So, let me begin with a a simply answer. When it comes to “where to start” with anything, the best place to start is exactly where you are. Before you dismiss that as trite, bear with me. A lot of people get very wrapped up in comparing where they are with where other people are.
Everyone starts in the same place: not knowing a thing. Now, maybe you’ve progressed beyond that with copywriting, but everyone started the same why. I did, the very best copywriters throughout history did, and you will, too. So, no matter where you are, that’s where you’re starting from. Make peace with it and prepare to move on.
Determine What You Need to Learn
Now, on to the more practical, less philosophical part.
The first step for learning anything is that you need to figure out what you don’t know—and, therefore, what you need to learn. You may even start out by saying that you don’t know…what you don’t know. That’s still a good place to begin. You need to learn everything and that’s perfectly fine. You can learn everything (eventually).
Then, once you’ve figured out what you need to learn, you need to figure out where you can learn it. When it comes to copywriting, as I hope you know, I’ve worked very hard to put together all the resources you could need. And, of course, I’m always happy to give you direct answers about exactly where you can find what you need.
As you approach different things you want to learn and master, you should seek out the best resources for your information.
Doing Something New Feels Scary—But That’s a Good Thing
So, not too difficult, right? But then why do we still hesitate to start? Why is it that the things that matter most to us are the most difficult to actually dig in and do? And important things at that: getting career training, getting in shape, all those sorts of things. If losing weight is a matter of learning how to exercise and then doing it…why do we not do it? What is it that keeps us from making the changes and taking the steps that we want to take?
The answer is that change—even change that we want—is difficult and, quite frankly, feels kind of scary. Doing something new is difficult. Losing weight will make you healthier, but it takes effort to get to that point and requires facing fears of going to the gym and learning to use the equipment. Become a copywriter will make you money and create a great career for you, but it takes some time and concentration to learn to do it.
And guess what? Everything that you know how to do took you time and concentration to learn to do it. But you did it anyway.
When you start to feel nerves or even downright scared? Reframe that energy. Remind yourself that what you’re feeling is normal and—even better—it means you’re growing. You’re getting out of your comfort zone and moving toward your great goal.
Remember Your Reason for Learning
The key is to ask yourself what you want to get out of the change you want to make. If we’re talking about weight loss, one might say that they want to be healthier or they want to look better. If we’re talking about copywriting, you might say that you want to feel financially secure, you want to take control of your career, you want to work at a job you love, or you want to get paid well for writing.
So, what do you want to get out of learning to write copy? What’s going to be compelling enough for you to make a change? To make the commitment to yourself to improve your life? What future is bright enough that you’ll be willing to put in a little time and concentration now?
Focus on the transformation you want to achieve. This reason for making the change will help you when motivation wanes (and it will wane!) so you can stay on track and take even small steps toward your goal.
Learning something new may not be easy, but it’s how change—and a new and improved life—comes about.
Watch More: Is Copywriting for You?
If you’re exploring copywriting and wondering “is copywriting right for me?” this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast is for you. Nicki and Kate dig into how this question stems from our desire to find the perfect career, when really we should be asking, “am I committed to getting something out of learning copywriting?” Learning a new skill has plenty of benefits (only one of which is finding a career you love). There are many paths you can take with copywriting, and none of them has to be final! Watch to hear the opportunities to learning a new skill as well as common traits that copywriters share that may help you consider whether it’s a path you want to explore.
Your Turn
Let us know your answers to those questions. What do you want to get out of becoming a copywriter? How will it change your life? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!
Last Updated on October 30, 2024
I started working as a freelance writer this past May. I started working at a somewhat low pay content mill and figured out rather quickly that this was not the way to go. As I learned how to market myself, I found a few more clients, but the pay is still a less than desirable rate. So now I’m living a life where I’m tied to my computer all day writing. What I actually wanted was more freedom. I enjoy working from home, but being tied to my computer all day is killing me.
Hi Halona,
I completely get you—but don’t lose heart! It can take a bit of time to build up a business. In another reply in this post, I mention looking into doing some contract work to help build up your client base and you might want to do the same. Be sure, too, that you get yourself listed with creative recruiters in your area. (And yes, content mills are really only useful if you need to build up portfolio samples fast and you don’t care about making money—but they’ll only get you content samples and not copywriting samples, anyway!)
Thanks for posting—and keep us updated! 🙂
Nicki & the Filthy Rich Writer team
As concerns copywriting, I want a career that is time and location flexible. I recognize that any career that is going to provide financial “security” will require work, but I want to be able work on my schedule without spending over 40 hours each month just driving to and from work. That’s a twelve work weeks per year spent doing essentially nothing.
I also enjoy the idea of being able to work from practically anywhere. Being chained to a desk in someone else’s building doesn’t improve my efficiency, it just makes me want to leave. If I had the ability to work from my home office, or my backyard, or Starbuck’s, I would enjoy my time at work so much more.
Hi Randy,
These are great thoughts. Bear in mind, too, that the more *flexible* you are, the easier it will be for you to get work. If you’re sometimes willing to contract for a client (you’re not on-staff, but you work from their offices), you’ll find yourself in even higher demand. Plus, you’ll make contacts to help you get more work and clients you contract for may later be willing to let you work from home.
Thanks for posting!
Nicki & the Filthy Rich Writer team
It seems many people are interested in Freelance and the working from home aspects of Copywriting. That’s great and it’s definitely a unique perk of Copywriting, but I really don’t think it’s a great place to start. I believe interning, or getting hired as a Jr. Copywriter would lead to more success. There are many aspects of copy and learning from someone else would shorten that curve. Plus, having someone edit your work is extremely helpful so you can see exactly what works. Also, you can see the full spectrum of how copy is applied to other advertising, and learn other important skills such as H1 optimization, blogging/article writing, brand voice, overview content, mass emails, print work etc.
Hi Jerry,
You’re right—many people are very interested in freelance copywriting. Of course, as you know, working as a freelancer has some perks, but it definitely does have some downsides as well. Even for students that are primarily interested in working as freelancers, I encourage them to at least consider working as contractors; they get a measure of freedom, but, to your point, they still get the experience of collaborating directly with others, learning more about copywriting, and meeting more people in the field.
Thanks for commenting!
Copywriting, or writing in general for that matter is so empowering for me. I feel really proud when I know I’ve nailed it. I get lost in time trying to perfect words…it’s self expression of course. I guess a great outlet for those that feel a sense of guilt when speaking their deepest thoughts. Also, I have such admiration, respect and high regard for those that are so articulate to the point that they can seduce any crowd. Maybe have a bit of, I don’t know, sales appeal? How do they do it? Natural charm I guess. The art factor…it’s intriguing to me.
Hi Maren,
Yep! Copywriting is such a fantastic combination of both creativity and strategy. I like to think of it as solving a puzzle: Using all of the skills and information you have to craft the best possible pieces that’s going to have the biggest possible impact. Creating impactful connection is so satisfying – and so valued by our clients! 🙂
Thanks for commenting!