Having one steady, high-paying copywriting client is the dream, right?Well, to be honest, no. Copywriting is a little bit like investing. Putting your eggs all in one basket leaves you vulnerable to the whims of one company. That's why diversification is so important.When you have multiple copywriting clients, it doesn't matter if work slows down … [Read more...]
Episode 211: How to Weather the Ups and Downs of Business
You've heard me say time and time again that copywriting is an incredibly fun and rewarding career. And it is. But ... it's still a career.There are inevitably times in life—whether as a freelancer or full-time, copywriting or otherwise—when you just don't feel 100%. And sometimes we attribute those crummy feelings to the wrong things.Cloudy days, an odd text from a … [Read more...]
Episode 204: Dangerous copywriting strategy alert: you can’t rely on SEO for landing clients
The title of this podcast episode might sound dramatic, but it's 100% true.There are copywriting experts touting this strategy. It's so incredibly risky and, well, Nicki and Kate don't want this strategy to put your copywriting success at risk.Because this strategy sounds good.The idea is that, if you can get your copywriting portfolio to show up in search results when people … [Read more...]
Episode 201: Top Copywriting Myths, Busted – Part II
Last week, Kate and I busted through some of the most common copywriting myths (if you missed it, you can catch that episode here!) This week? You guessed it: the last of some of the most prevalent (and, yup, still dangerous) copywriting myths.This is the information we wish we had when we were starting out. It's all too easy to dwell on the negatives and the "what ifs."If we … [Read more...]
Episode 200: Top Copywriting Myths, Busted – Part I
Turns out, just because it's on the Internet doesn't mean it's true. ;)Now, many of us know this, but it can be easy to believe things we read or see—even on an unconscious level ...... And some of those things may be getting in the way of you achieving your full copywriting success—or even preventing you from getting into copywriting in the first place! Raise … [Read more...]
Episode 199: #1 Thing Getting in Your Way of Copywriting (and Other!) Success
"Pitching is hard." "I am scared to meet with clients." "I can't become a copywriter." Do any of these sound familiar? The patterns we create by feeding our brain certain narratives is the ultimate roadblock to our success. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. What we tell ourselves has a huge impact on what we believe—whether we notice these narratives or not. On this … [Read more...]
Episode 198: Finding Copywriting Success Through Curiosity – Jared’s Story
Does the word "sales" give you the heebie jeebies? It did for Jared, too. Jared was working in tech when he started a blog about customer success, software as a service, and other tech topics. But ... he was in technology. He wasn't a writer, right? And he certainly didn't want to sell his services. Ick. Spoiler: he's now partnered with the largest … [Read more...]
Episode 197: 8 Unbreakable Laws of Copywriting
Copywriting is one of the most flexible careers (You've probably heard us say that so many times you're like, "Nicki and Kate, we know!.") Just because its flexible does not mean there aren't certain rules, or laws if you will, that you need to follow. Now, if you break the laws will you get a ticket? Nah. But you may see less work coming in or less repeat work. On this … [Read more...]
Episode 192 : This Part-Time Copywriter is Too Busy to Have a Portfolio – Audrey’s Story
"It wasn't even a stepping stone; it was a springboard for my career!" Like most Comprehensive Copywriting Academy students, Audrey had no idea what copywriting was. She was working as an interior designer before she was sidelined by an illness that forced her to leave her job. Looking for a job with more flexibility, she discovered copywriting. Audrey went from feeling … [Read more...]
Episode 185: Copywriting Pitching Assumptions That Will Cost Your Business
Pitching is the only way to truly control your copywriting business’ success. But when it comes to sitting down to actually do it, our brains love to come up with all kinds of reasons *not* to hit “send”. “Oh, that company is waaay too big to pitch, they would never need my help!” or, at the other end of the spectrum, “A solopreneur? They'd never be able to afford a … [Read more...]