My company teaches people how to write copy and how to build their careers and businesses. I probably could have gone with “Copywriting Training Resources” or something like that.
But I didn’t. I really didn’t.
I went with Filthy Rich Writer. And some people hate that name. I mean, a loathing that seems all out of proportion.
But I’m okay with that. Here’s why.
First, It’s Important to Me that the Name Makes People Stop and Think
I want people to read “Filthy Rich Writer” it and go, “Hold up! Is that for real?”
Because it doesn’t seem real, right? Most people—except, maybe, for wide-eyed college students and people who still think a newsroom consists of Cary Grant bantering with Rosalind Russell—most people think you can’t make money as a writer.
And, in many ways, they’re right: You can’t make a good living as a blogger, a novelist, or even a journalist. It’s deeply sad, but true.
But they’re also wrong: Because you can make a good living, a great living, as a copywriter. Not a gimmicky, “write online sales letters and retire this year” copywriter, but a real one.
I Also Want People to Know How Good the Copywriting Life Can Be
For me, being “filthy rich” means having a job you love, being good at it, and being paid well to do it.
Some people get that. But some people definitely don’t.
Every time I post an ad on Facebook, I get people who don’t even click, but who comment with things like “Scam!” or “Another BS ad in my feed.”
And, yes, they don’t make me feel particularly great, so I usually delete them. (It makes me feel better.)
But those comments are also important: They remind me of who I don’t want to work with.
The kinds of people who immediately label things as “spam” or “BS” are the kinds of people who said humans weren’t meant to walk on the moon or that a doctor would never transplant a heart.
Healthy skepticism is great, but the kinds of people who shut themselves off to things before they even understand it, just aren’t worth the price to even educate. We’re happy to prove ourselves to these people, and we’ve got plenty of proof to offer, but they’ve already made up their minds.
The people who say, “You can’t make a good living as a copywriter” are being proven wrong literally every single day by thousands of people. Maybe hundreds of thousands.

Just because they don’t know how to do it doesn’t mean it can’t be done.
A Filthy Rich Writer is who I am, it’s who our students want to be, and it’s who they are becoming—if they’re not already there. Every time one of our students lands an ad agency job or a huge freelance client, that’s exactly who they are.
So I don’t care if some people don’t like the name of our company. The people who are open to changing their lives and making them better, get it—and those are the people I want to work with. The rest of ‘em? Delete. 🙂
Watch More
Hear Nicki explain more about the reasoning behind the name “Filthy Rich Writer,” and why it’s a good thing it’s such a polarizing name for a business.
Your Turn! What does being “filthy rich” mean to you? Share your own definition in the comments below!
Interested in copywriting? Here are more resources:
- What Does a Copywriter Actually Do?
- Why People Tell You “Copywriting is Hard to Get Into
- How Soon Can You Make Money?
- The Best Backgrounds for Getting Into Copywriting
- So, How Much Do Copywriters Make?
- How to Know if You Have What it Takes
Last Updated on October 30, 2024
Good for you Niki. When Jamie Oliver named himself “The Naked Chef” I’m fairly certain most people didn’t expect to see him standing naked in the kitchen. Sometimes it pays to think in terms of hidden meanings and metaphors rather than in a literal sense.
Hi Mike,
Ha! Good comparison – people can be too literal. (And also too quick to judge.)
Thanks for commenting!
hey nicki ! i love they way u wrote ! you are my idol…
Ha! Thanks! I’m glad you’re enjoying the articles. 🙂
Thanks for commenting!
Hi Nicki:
When I saw the name of your company, I thought about having freedom and wealth in all areas of my life. In my opinion wealth is not measured only in $$$ and cents. I thought about my current 9 to 5 job and how much I long for the freedom to do something I love. Something that comes from a peaceful place in my heart, when I sit down to work. I thought about how I feel everyday when I leave home and ride the elevator and walk all the way to my desk and how many times I look at the clock waiting for 5:00 p.m. The name of the company speaks to dreams that can be obtained over a period of time. Thank you and I look forward to being part of the academy.
Hi Celia,
I’m so glad the name resonated with you! That’s exactly the reaction I was hoping for: to get people to start imagining the possibilities in their lives. 🙂
Thanks for commenting!
Hi Nicki!
New student here!
Your company name was what actually stuck in my head when I was deciding to sign up for the course. It was the name Filthy Rich Writer that actually drew me in to learning more about your teaching approach and your writing tone. Compared to other courses, your course, Filthy Rich Writer just fit me right.
Thank you.
Hi Ingrid,
Oh, thanks! That’s so nice to hear. It’s definitely been a divisive name, but it’s good to get more confirmation that it’s attracting the right people. 🙂
Thanks for commenting!