Copywriting Revision Rounds: How Many Rounds Do You Offer?
How many revisions do you need for copywriting? this the wrong question to ask? Hint: YES! Here's the real problem.
Listen to Build Your Copywriting Business Podcast
Business Development
Hear from Comprehensive Copywriting Academy Students
Copy Tactics
- Episode 213: Find Copywriting Clients Anywhere You GoYou can find copywriting clients anywhere—you just have to know where to look and what to say. Listen in for non-awkward conversation tips.
- Episode 209: 1 Tactic to Try for More Powerful CopywritingWhen used correctly, storytelling is a powerful copywriting tactic. But sometimes copywriters and clients use storytelling in the entirely wrong way. Read on to know when (and when not!) to use this tactic.
- Episode 196: 5 Email Copywriting Tests to Recommend to Clients (And Get More Work)As a copywriter, you don't have to know how to test copy. But to add value for clients, you need to know how to recommend copy to test.