This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. Do it! Just do it!" That's often what I find myself yelling at my computer screen when I don't want to do the task that I know I need to do. Now, I'm the first to admit that I'm not the most productive person in the world. … [Read more...]
Episode 220: How to Have Uncomfortable Client and Work Conversations
It's SO much easier to avoid difficult conversations. (Frankly, sometimes I'm so tired, I want to avoid conversations all together!) But, *sigh*, that's not the way to be a professional. On this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Kate and I are sharing examples of client conversations that you might be tempted to avoid, … [Read more...]
Episode 211: How to Weather the Ups and Downs of Business
You've heard me say time and time again that copywriting is an incredibly fun and rewarding career. And it is. But ... it's still a career.There are inevitably times in life—whether as a freelancer or full-time, copywriting or otherwise—when you just don't feel 100%. And sometimes we attribute those crummy feelings to the wrong things.Cloudy days, an odd text from a … [Read more...]
Episode 203: Secrets to Smooth Copywriting Client Relations
We've talked a lot about boundaries. You know they're important ...... but how are you with enforcing your boundaries?It's all too easy to let those boundaries slide. And the message your sending when you set a boundary, but don't enforce it, is that none of your boundaries mean anything.Brutal, but true. On this episode of the Build Your Copywriting … [Read more...]
Episode 199: #1 Thing Getting in Your Way of Copywriting (and Other!) Success
"Pitching is hard." "I am scared to meet with clients." "I can't become a copywriter." Do any of these sound familiar? The patterns we create by feeding our brain certain narratives is the ultimate roadblock to our success. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. What we tell ourselves has a huge impact on what we believe—whether we notice these narratives or not. On this … [Read more...]
Episode 194: Part-Time Attorney, Part-Time Copywriter – Leslie’s Story
You wake up in the morning, excited to start the day ... then remember you have to go to work. *Groan* Burnout: we've all been there. For Leslie, it turned out she still enjoyed being an attorney—just not full time. But, like all of us, there are still bills to pay. On this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Leslie is sharing how— … [Read more...]
Episode BONUS – Laser Coaching: How to (Respectfully) Disagree with a Copywriting Client
As writers our clients hire us to ... well ... write! So, what happens when you know your client wants to take the copy in the wrong direction? Do you speak up? Or do you just roll with what they want? As you'll hear in this laser coaching session, there are a few ways to tactfully and professionally disagree with your client in a way that further positions you as a valuable … [Read more...]
Episode 192 : This Part-Time Copywriter is Too Busy to Have a Portfolio – Audrey’s Story
"It wasn't even a stepping stone; it was a springboard for my career!" Like most Comprehensive Copywriting Academy students, Audrey had no idea what copywriting was. She was working as an interior designer before she was sidelined by an illness that forced her to leave her job. Looking for a job with more flexibility, she discovered copywriting. Audrey went from feeling … [Read more...]
Summer Rewind: Ep. 23 Freelance vs. Full-Time Copywriting (a.k.a. the Illusion of Safety Episode)
The Freelance vs. full-time debate with Nicki and explore why gigging might just be your golden ticket to career freedom. Learn how to secure copywriting gigs like a pro, the misconceptions about job security, and how to take control of your income. Get ready for a revelation-packed episode that could redefine your work life! Looking for closed captioning or a … [Read more...]
Copywriting Lets This Mom Live Life on Her Own Terms
Many of us get into copywriting because we want more freedom: freedom to work when and where we want so that we can pick up kids from school, prioritize our health, take a walk if we need a break, and just simply have some downtime for ourselves! Courtney, a mom, copywriter, and Comprehensive Copywriting Academy student, was working seven days a week at one point to make … [Read more...]