By Kate Kosydar In my copywriting career, I have a few challenges you may be able to relate to. I have a busy family (four kids!), a spouse who travels for work (gone for two overnights as I write this!), and an anxiety disorder (always unpredictable!). In short, I often feel overwhelmed and undermotivated. And yet, I have to be productive when I’m unmotivated or else I … [Read more...]
Book Pick: Why Your Obsession With Money is Getting in the Way of Your Copywriting Success
Money: whether we're thinking about how much more we want to make in our copywriting business or, alternatively, how scared we are to not make money as a copywriter (or both!), our hang-ups about money are often what cause us to hold ourselves back or even prevent us from fully committing to and pursuing our copywriting careers. Negative Thoughts About Money If you're the … [Read more...]
8 Tips for Successful Copywriting in 2024
Every new year presents an opportunity for new plans and new goals. It’s a prime opportunity to jumpstart (or restart) your copywriting business. Personal resolutions are notoriously apt to fail, but you don’t have that luxury when it comes to your business resolutions. Here we go over tips for successful copywriting this year, including how to figure out what matters to … [Read more...]
Create Your Own Professional Development Goals
It’s easy to compare ourselves to others in our field, as well as those outside of it: copywriters with beautiful websites, social media influencers who look like their life is out of a photoshoot (hint: what you're looking at is a photoshoot), and that not-really-friend from high school who failed at math, but appears to be making big dollars working for an investment … [Read more...]
Freelancer Self-Care: 5 Tips for Avoiding Burnout
Whether you're tackling work for clients, learning how to become a copywriter, or any other task that takes up a significant amount of your time, energy, and focus, you need to plan breaks. And I'm not just talking taking the weekend off (though definitely plan in days off, whether it's Saturday and Sunday, or other days of your choosing!) or getting enough sleep (though … [Read more...]
How To Set Up Your Schedule When Working from Home
Ah, the joys and challenges of working from home. All that freedom and flexibility! And, also, EEK! All that freedom and flexibility. As anyone who has been in charge of creating their own schedule can tell you, it’s a lot harder than it looks. It’s much easier to stay on task when there’s a risk of a coworker or boss walking past your desk at any moment. And exactly when … [Read more...]
The Importance of Freelancing in Today’s Working World
I say “new truth” but it’s really been creeping up on us for a while. First, companies got rid of pensions…then workers moved away from being “lifers” at companies…then it became common—if not necessary—to change jobs every three to five years. Now, the importance of freelancing is clear: you need the skills to find and land clients (and bring in income) whenever you need (or … [Read more...]
Overcoming Copywriter Imposter Syndrome
We’ve talked a bit before about how resistance can pop up and try to derail you whenever you’re moving out of your comfort zone. (Actually, more than a bit. We’ve talked about it as one of the sneaky distractions that will block your copywriting career progress, how "I can't" is a phrase you need to watch out for, why you need to add The War of Art to your reading list, and … [Read more...]
Freelance Copywriting for Introverts
Maybe it’s because writing itself requires so much time alone, but it seems that a lot of people who love to write also require solitude to recharge their batteries. It makes sense, then, that we get a lot of questions about whether freelance copywriting is a good career for introverts. And it can seem like the perfect career for introverts—freelancers get to work from … [Read more...]
Use an Entrepreneur Mindset to Double Your Copywriting Income
Normally, I’m wary of using a clickbait-y style headline like "This One Tactic Will Double Your Income." But in this case, it’s true: Making this change will easily double your income, if not increase it even more. And I warned you that it’s subtle, so I’m going to need you to stick with me for just a bit to explain exactly how implementing it will make such a monumental … [Read more...]