Confidence helps you charge ahead when you’re trying to build your copywriting career. But what do you do when that confidence starts to wane, and you wonder if you can even make a go of copywriting at all? You know, those moments where you're chugging along fine and then you get a "no" from a client or some feedback that's anything less than "I love this!" and it knocks you … [Read more...]
5 Ways Super-Productive Copywriters Start Their Days
The way you start your day can set you on a successful path for the rest of your 24 hours. Everywhere you look, another article is popping up about how various business leaders and success gurus start their day. But what day-starting habits are most important for copywriters...particularly those who deal with work-from-home distractions? A lot of productivity articles will … [Read more...]
Copywriters Confess Their Dirty Secrets
Here’s a not-so-secret secret: Nobody’s perfect. But the ways that copywriters aren’t can be very instructional for other new or would-be copywriters. So, let’s unearth some deep, dark truths from real-life copywriters and learn away. In the words of Mary Poppins, I am perfectly perfect in every way.* But I happen to know a lot of copywriters, and I also happen to know that … [Read more...]
What Will Copywriting Look Like in 10 Years? The Future for Copywriters Is Bright
Good news first: the future of copywriting is safe. Copywriting—whether, full-time, part-time or freelance—isn't going anywhere. The bad news is there are plenty of sensationalist stories that will make you think otherwise. Downsizing, outsourcing, offshoring, automation: there are certainly a lot of words for economic panic, aren't there? Add to that the biweekly articles … [Read more...]
The Secret to Being Prepared for Creative Reviews
Creative reviews strike fear into the hearts of many copywriters. It’s not always the most comfortable thing to present your work to a roomful of people. But what if I told you there’s a secret to feeling much more sure and prepared? It’s completely natural and normal to be intimidated by reviews. After all, you agonize over a project only to present it and get feedback on … [Read more...]
Why People Tell You “Copywriting Is Hard to Get Into”
“Oh, copywriting is really hard to get into.” That’s one of the most popular things for people to say when they hear you’re interested in the field. But why? And what is that based on? So, let me start out with a little story. Practically anytime I’m at party or event and I meet someone new, we do the standard “What do you do?” exchange and I tell them I’m a copywriter. And … [Read more...]
5 Things Designers Wish You Knew
Your relationship with your design partner is crucial. But like any other relationship, it can suffer from poor communication. Here we shed a little light on five crucial things your design partner wishes you knew. As with any other working relationship, it will take time to get to know your design partners and make sure the two of your work styles gel. But there are still a … [Read more...]
3 Keys to Loving Your Job
For some people, the idea of loving your job sounds like a pipe dream. But there are three traits elements that very clearly and demonstrably affect job satisfaction and can, yes, even mean job love. Ready to hear what they are? I’m a big fan of books about scientific studies on happiness, satisfaction, focus, flow, and all those other seemingly elusive elements. But … [Read more...]
How to Write Humor for Your Copywriting Clients
Some of the most memorable ads are the funniest ones, but how did the writer (and designer/videographer) get to that point? How did they take a creative brief and turn it into something that makes you smile—if not laugh out loud? Well, that’s exactly what we’re delving into today. First, I want to make an important point. Similar to our previous post about creativity, you … [Read more...]
5 Things Creative Directors Wish You Knew
Creative directors will be some of the most important people you’ll work with in your life. (Copywriting mentors are important, too; read more about them here.) They have the power to make you into the best copywriter you can be. But how can you maximize any relationship with a creative director? A great creative director will do their best to build your skills as a copywriter … [Read more...]