Some of the smartest minds past and present have had set routines. Some of them had morning routines, some had evening routines, and some had both (depending on when they were most productive). Routines are especially important when you work from home!
That’s because the best routines help us get focused. And for writers, including copywriters, having a ritual before you sit down to work can get you in the mindset to write.
Our Book Pick
Our latest book pick is Daily Rituals: How Artists Work. Before you think, “wait, wait, artists?”, the routines captured in this book include those of Maya Angelou, Stephen King, and Benjamin Franklin, among more than 150 others. There’s plenty to learn from the writers and non-writers captured in this book.
And it’s not all serious. There are some ridiculous rituals that likely hindered some of these brilliant minds from achieving more. But just as we can learn from what worked for them, we can also learn what didn’t work so we can avoid the same self-sabotaging habits (or at least try and prevent them!).
Full disclosure: This was a book recommended to me years ago by Nicki. What I ended up doing was adding this book to my own morning routine by reading one entry each morning before I sat down to work.
Now, I usually start my day with a podcast (one of my current favorites is WorkLife with Adam Grant) or spend 20 to 30 minutes scrolling The New York Times. This gets me in my office and, instead of jumping right into writing copy or the other tasks I need to do, eases me in to work.
On Mondays and Fridays, I try to go to the local coffee shop to kickstart the day and then will spend a couple of minutes clearing my email’s spam folder. The slight difference in routine on certain days ensures I never get bored with it.
It’s crucial to consider your copywriting routine, particularly if you are working remote and don’t have of the normal social queues (colleagues working at desks, your boss working around the corner) to get your butt in gear for work.
Of course, don’t forget to build a self-care routine, too!
Want More Inspiration? Tune In!
If you start your morning by scrolling through social media in bed (don’t worry, Kate is guilty, too), this episode is for you. Listen in as Nicki and Kate share their morning routines (or, at least how they try to start their mornings) and discuss why a strong morning routine is so helpful to setting yourself up for copywriting success. Get tips for starting your day off as healthy, productive, and positive as possible.
Your Turn
What’s your routine for getting ready to work? Let us know in the comments!
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Last Updated on October 30, 2024
I have been a freelance writer for the past 4 years, and I am also a busy homeschooling mom with 11 kids! The ONLY WAY I can ever get anything done without interruptions is to get up early to write (4:00 a.m. works best.) That’s the only way I can get a jump on the day and work in a quiet house 🙂 Then, I usually try to take a 20 minute nap in the afternoon and make sure I get to bed before 10 pm….
Wow! We should be taking lessons from you! It’s great you have found a good routine to get it all done each day.