It's SO much easier to avoid difficult conversations. (Frankly, sometimes I'm so tired, I want to avoid conversations all together!) But, *sigh*, that's not the way to be a professional. On this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Kate and I are sharing examples of client conversations that you might be tempted to avoid, … [Read more...]
Episode 219: How to Avoid Copywriting Employment Scams
Quick quiz! What's the first thing you do when a potential client reaches out to you? A. Squeal in excitementB. Start digging into the copy, duh!C. Stalk them on LinkedIn Well, the answer should be some combination of A and C. Excitement is totally warranted when a new client reaches out—especially if you like the company! But, as with many things in life, we need to … [Read more...]
Episode 217: Help I’m Sick! Here’s How to Keep Copywriting Projects on Track
Which of these camps do you fall into? 1. Hesitant to freelance (even though you really want to) because figuring out healthcare and other benefits looks too hard. 2. Diving head-first into freelancing ... but there may be some "Oh Sh*t!" moments along the way. 3. Freelancing with a system and a plan so you have regular income and even better benefits than any full-time job … [Read more...]
Episode 213: Find Copywriting Clients Anywhere You Go
Landing copywriting clients is a lot easier than you may think.(Reminder: CCA students, you have entire courses on how to find and land clients!)But one of the most overlooked ways to find clients?Talking to people. On this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Nicki and Kate joke about finding clients at the grocery store. But, truthfully, you can find … [Read more...]
Episode 212: The Dangers of Steady Copywriting Clients
Having one steady, high-paying copywriting client is the dream, right?Well, to be honest, no. Copywriting is a little bit like investing. Putting your eggs all in one basket leaves you vulnerable to the whims of one company. That's why diversification is so important.When you have multiple copywriting clients, it doesn't matter if work slows down … [Read more...]
Episode 210: Part Time Social Worker, Part Time Copywriter – Alicia’s Story
Every time we talk with Comprehensive Copywriting Academy students, Kate and I leave feeling inspired.That's exactly what it was like talking to Alicia. From a young age, Alicia knew she wanted to help people. It's what got her into social work. But, like many of those in the social work field, Alicia faced extreme burnout. On this episode of the Build Your Copywriting … [Read more...]
Episode 208: Are You Doing These 4 Things That Clients Look for in Freelancers?
🎶 What a client wants, what a client needs ...... whatever makes them happy gets you money ... 🎶I apologize if you have Christina Aguilera stuck in your head. BUT if it helps you remember the key takeaways from this episode, then you're welcome. ;)On this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Kate and I are talking about four crucial things that clients look … [Read more...]
Episode 203: Secrets to Smooth Copywriting Client Relations
We've talked a lot about boundaries. You know they're important ...... but how are you with enforcing your boundaries?It's all too easy to let those boundaries slide. And the message your sending when you set a boundary, but don't enforce it, is that none of your boundaries mean anything.Brutal, but true. On this episode of the Build Your Copywriting … [Read more...]
Episode 198: Finding Copywriting Success Through Curiosity – Jared’s Story
Does the word "sales" give you the heebie jeebies? It did for Jared, too. Jared was working in tech when he started a blog about customer success, software as a service, and other tech topics. But ... he was in technology. He wasn't a writer, right? And he certainly didn't want to sell his services. Ick. Spoiler: he's now partnered with the largest … [Read more...]
Episode 197: 8 Unbreakable Laws of Copywriting
Copywriting is one of the most flexible careers (You've probably heard us say that so many times you're like, "Nicki and Kate, we know!.") Just because its flexible does not mean there aren't certain rules, or laws if you will, that you need to follow. Now, if you break the laws will you get a ticket? Nah. But you may see less work coming in or less repeat work. On this … [Read more...]