When you’re starting a new career in copywriting, you might run into some…less than helpful comments, shall we say. “Copywriting–is that actually a real career?” and “Is that even something you can make money from?” are some of the classics. But as Taylor Swift so wisely said: “The haters gonna hate (hate hate hate hate)” and you can’t live your life letting other people's … [Read more...]
Episode 165: Terrible Advice New Copywriters Get All the Time
We can’t help but facepalm when a student tells us, “but I’ve heard you have to [insert terrible advice from a so-called copywriting ‘guru’]?” Despite its wealth of information, the internet has created an echo chamber of bad advice, especially for new copywriters. In this episode, Nicki and Kate roll up their sleeves and dig into some of the worst recommendations out there, … [Read more...]
Episode 163: Are Your Copywriting Prices Leaving Money on the Table?
Do your project costs only factor in time spent writing, editing, and in meetings? If so, you may be doing a lot of pro bono work for your clients–and we’re fairly certain you didn’t get into this business to work for free! As a freelancer, it’s easy to get caught up in our emotions, fear, and self-doubt. In this episode, Nicki and Kate encourage us to put on our CFO hats, … [Read more...]
Episode 161: 1 Copywriting Tactic You Should Avoid at All Costs
Whether it’s the email formula that will “10x your sales” or the subject line that will “double your open rates,” there’s–unfortunately–a copywriting template for pretty much anything these days. But is pressing the easy button going to deliver excellent results for your client? Tune in as Nicki and Kate talk (ahem, rage) about why you shouldn’t undermine your own skills and … [Read more...]
Episode 159: 8 Tips You Can Use Right Now to Step Up Your Freelance Copywriting Game
The 2023 Summer Freelance summit brought you a star-powered lineup of expert speakers, dedicated to helping you progress your freelance career. Today’s podcast episode is breaking down three days’ worth of inspiration into a smattering of highlights to help you optimize your freelance business! From mastering your personal finances and combatting procrastination to … [Read more...]
Episode 156: 11 Years in Social Work to a $10K/Month Copywriting Career – Sonali’s Story
Like many Comprehensive Copywriting Academy students, Sonali came from an entirely different professional background. After 11 years in social work, she knew it wasn't her forever job. Sonali always had an affinity for writing and copywriting soon became an attractive career choice. Sonali decided to go all in on her new career and set a goal to hit $5K a month by June 2023. … [Read more...]
Episode 155: Top Copywriting Advice from Working Copywriters
We’ve had the pleasure of hearing some truly remarkable stories and transformations from the students inside our Comprehensive Copywriting Academy. In this special episode, we’re giving you a roundup of some of the very best advice from our CCA students and working copywriters. What all of our success stories have in common? A willingness to embrace discomfort, dream a little … [Read more...]
Episode 151: Is Manifesting a Copywriting Career Bogus?
The concept of the law of attraction is that you can manifest your deepest desires into being with merely the power of thought. So, does that mean you can think your way into a 6-figure copywriting career? Sadly just sitting and waiting for it to happen isn’t quite how it works–but you do have to believe that it is possible for you. If you've ever been guilty of saying things … [Read more...]
Episode 141: #1 Change That Will Double Your Copywriting Income
When you’re building your copywriting business, it can be easy to while hours away working on tasks that aren’t actually driving you any closer to your goals. Often if we are feeling a little bit of resistance about taking the next step, we default to doing the stuff that doesn't have as much of an impact, like posting on Instagram or dare I say watching Netflix! Once you do … [Read more...]
Your Copywriting Business Plan for a Successful 2025
An important part of business is creating and executing your copywriting business plan. To help you plan a successful year ahead, you need to look back as well as ahead. Here we look at some key elements of your business plan as well as some other elements of life (relationships, health, etc.) that also need to be working well for you to ensure your success. Take some … [Read more...]