Copywriting for nonprofits can be great for your portfolio—and your personal fulfillment. But nonprofits are one of the most challenging clients to write for. How do you get their message across and compel people to take action when writing for a nonprofit? As you know, conveying the benefit to the consumer so they will take whatever action you want is crucial to crafting an … [Read more...]
Why You Sometimes Need to “Greek It” in Copywriting
“It’s all Greek to me” takes on a totally different meaning in the creative field. Here we look at what “Greeking it” means in copywriting and when and how you should use "Greek" copy. What Is "Greek" in Copy? The phrase “Greek it” is a misnomer. What it refers to is “lorem ipsum” that, yes, sounds a lot like it might be Greek. Lorem ipsum is actually just gibberish—an … [Read more...]
5 Surprising Places to Find Copy Inspiration
When you need to come up with a concept for a project, sometimes it’s easy and sometimes…well, your creativity could use a refill. But where do you refill it? Here we delve into some sources for topping off your font of creativity that might not be what you’d expect. When most copywriters (particularly ad writers) think about finding inspiration for their work, they … [Read more...]
Important Digital Copywriting Definitions
Digital copywriting is a fast-growing field, and you should aim to get experience in it as soon as possible. But with terms like “DPI” and “click to open rate,” it can be easy to get lost in a conversation. Digital (or “interactive” copywriting) has grown every more complicated as technologies evolve and, as part of that, new terms and new acronyms pop up all the … [Read more...]
When Stealing Is a Great Idea
One of your challenges as a copywriter is to be as original as possible. But what if I told you that there are some scenarios in which stealing isn’t only a good idea, it’s the best idea? And that your boss will applaud what you’ve done? Find out exactly when and how you should add stealing to your arsenal of tactics. What Is "Creativity?" There’s a theory that there are … [Read more...]
The Copywriter’s Creativity Problem
When people think about the advertising industry, the trait they’re most likely to associate with it is “creativity.” That worries a lot of would-be copywriters. Are you creative enough to be a copywriter? Will that get in the way of your success? But the truth is that if the success of the ad industry rested on creativity, it would have folded long ago. And there's … [Read more...]
How To Distinguish Your Client From the Competition
In every client’s mind, their own product or service is legendary. But how can copywriters convey that same momentousness to prospective purchasers so that they just can’t resist buying it? Conveying a product’s (or service’s) unique selling point (or USP) and benefit to the consumer are crucial to helping your target audience understand why they should make the … [Read more...]
How To Change Minds With Your Copywriting
Persuasion is key to effective copywriting. But influencing people is easier said than done. Or is it? Here we talk about the secret to turning heads and changing minds. The purpose of any piece of copy is to get people to take action. That action might be to buy a product or it might be to sign up for an email list or to send a letter to their congressperson or even to … [Read more...]
Why Copywriting Formulas and Templates Are Absurd
There are sites and sources that promise "the perfect copywriting template for effective emails!" or "the formula for copy that converts!" And that sounds great, right? But not only are "formulas" not great, they're both full of crap and bad for copywriting professionals. You'll often see sites and opt-ins that try to sell you on formulas or templates for killer ads and … [Read more...]
Why You Should Make Your Audience Anxious
Writing to your target audience is crucial for writing effective copy. You love your target audience! But sometimes it's also wildly effective to make 'em squirm a little. You understand that you have to convey the benefits of a product when you write about it, but is there anything else you can do to make that benefit more powerful? (Don't you don't know the difference … [Read more...]