Let’s face it: teaching is hard work and teachers don’t get paid nearly as much as they should. (Especially now.)
So, it’s no surprise that so many of our copywriting students are teachers, looking to turn their natural writing abilities into side income, summer jobs, or, in many cases, entirely new careers! And, the good news is there are plenty of copywriting jobs for teachers.
Copywriting is marketing or advertising writing: writing that is designed to sell or to persuade. “Copy” is the words that make up that writing, and copywriters are the ones who write that copy. Copywriters have a natural gift for writing, are resourceful, and hustle. That’s why teachers tend to thrive in this field!
5 Reasons Copywriting is a Great Summer Job for Teachers
1. Copywriting is Flexible
While you can have a full-time job as a copywriter, many copywriters work part-time and as freelancers, scaling their amount work up or down based on their schedules. So, whether you want a week off by the pool or want to take on more work during spring break, you’ll have the control to do so.
2. Copywriters are Paid Well
This is one of the very few writing jobs that actually pays well. That’s because copywriters directly help businesses grow. This bottom-line impact means copywriters are paid
3. You Do Not Need Copywriting Certification or a Degree
Copywriting certificates do not prove you can write copy. Your copy samples prove you can write copy! You do, however, need training, a willingness to learn something new, and the ability to be coached.
4. Copywriters Can Work from Anywhere
Freelance copywriters only need an Internet connection to get their jobs done. Want to put in a few hours of work while lounging by the pool? Go for it. (Just make sure your laptop isn’t close enough to fall in!)
5. Copywriting is Merit Based
If you write great copy, you write great copy. Your age, gender, socio-economic status, and other factors do not matter.
Meet Erin, A Teacher-Turned Copywriter
Erin decided that her maternity leave, plus summer break was the perfect time to explore new career options. Then enter COVID-19. Erin decided to focus on building a copywriting career so she didn’t have to go back to the classroom.
With the goal of replacing her teaching income in five months (all while taking care of a new baby, by the way!), Erin managed to do it—in 6 weeks.
Check out her inspiring story to hear how she did it >>
How to Build a Summer Job as a Copywriter
Whether you just want a good (and dare we say fun!) summer job, want build a year-round side hustle, or are interested in switching careers to become a full-time copywriter like Erin, copywriting can give you the flexibility you need.
Take the first step toward exploring a summer job in copywriting by signing up for our free, on-demand video training. You’ll learn how copywriters can land work, how to follow the proven process of six-figure copywriters, and how to build your copywriting business in less time per day than it takes to have a cup of coffee!
Get all the details right here
Read More: What is Copywriting?
Listen to Amanda’s Story
As many teachers will know, the relentless nature of the job and never-ending to-do lists can certainly take their toll. After 11 years in the profession (frankly, anyone deserves a medal for that!), Comprehensive Copywriting Academy student Amanda turned to copywriting.
Spoiler: she’s now earning nearly double what she made as a teacher! Listen in as Amanda shares her full story with Nicki and Kate.
Watch Jess’s Story
“Holy cow, it works!” These were the words CCA student Jess exclaimed after replacing her teaching income within just one month of full-time copywriting (and working fewer hours than she did as a teacher)! Tune in to hear Nicki and Kate chat with Jess about her inspiring transition from teaching to copywriting.
Hear Charlotte’s Story
Like many teachers in the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy, Charlotte had no idea that copywriting as a career. Fast forward to today: Charlotte replaced her teaching income with copywriting—within just six months of joining the CCA. Hear how she made the transition, including setting her goal and building up a financial safety net.
Hear from More Teachers Turned Copywriters
Teachers are well represented in the CCA community! Here are just a few of their wins.
Last Updated on July 31, 2024