Even when you want something very badly—a new career, for example—it’s not always enough to get you to take the steps to begin. Here we look at how to find the confidence to get started in copywriting.
I wish I could tell you that there was some magical incantation or elixir that would instantly give you confidence. There just isn’t.
But there are two things that, when combined, can help carry you through even when you’re not feeling confident.
Know Your “Big Why”
First, you need to know your “Big Why.” Why do you want to become a copywriter? What about your life are you trying to change?
I’ve heard a lot of answers to this question. Things like, “I finally want to make good money as a writer” or “I want to actually enjoy what I do for a living” or “I need to do something creative every day or I’ll regret it later.”
You need to come up with your own big, compelling reason why you want to do this. Without that “Big Why,” it’s much harder to get started and much easier to quit.
Map Out the Steps
Second, you need to map out the steps you’ll need to take—and then break them down into incredibly tiny, easy little steps.
For example, don’t put “Set up a portfolio website” on your to-do list. That’s a big task that’s just going to overwhelm you. Instead, break it down into the smallest, easiest possible tasks you can. Things like, “Visit squarespace.com.” “Read squarespace.com’s features page.” “Visit Wix.com” “Read Wix.com features page” and so on.
Yes, they’re crazy easy…but that also means that your to-do list won’t intimidate you and keep you from accomplishing things.
Any time you look at your to-do list and you find yourself avoiding doing something, it’s likely it’s because it’s intimidating in some way. Break that task down into super tiny tasks, and you won’t feel nearly as daunted.
You can’t find confidence—but you can build it by taking action. And you can take action by breaking steps down into itty bitty, smaller steps. And you can keep taking action by reminding yourself of the “Big Why.”
As long as you keep doing these things—and reminding yourself that sometimes feeling insecure or unsure doesn’t mean you’re not meant to do it—you’ll be able to get started. I promise. 🙂
Your Turn!
Do you have any other tips for helping yourself build confidence? Let us know in the comments below!
Last Updated on July 4, 2023
Copywriting is one of those disciplines where it takes practice to perfect your craft. And even then, it’s not a guarantee that you’ll produce the best work of your life. However, it’s very doable. To Marisol, just start. it. Take a magazine ad and remix it and make your own. Keep doing that until you gain some confidence. Consult with other copywriters and join communities so you won’t feel so alone.
Hi Shirley,
Absolutely – one of the best ways to hone your copywriting skills is to start reading the copy you see every day: banner ads, emails from companies, direct mail pieces, ads in newspapers and magazines. Then, you need to also start determining which are good (effective) pieces of copy and which aren’t — and why. Bonus points to the copy student who takes the time to rewrite bad ads into good ones. 😉
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