Freelancing or contracting: what's the difference? There are differences between the two and, as a copywriter, you have the flexibility to work full or part time, as well as an employee, as a freelancer, or contractor. Most of us are familiar with what it's like to be an employee. And because we're familiar with it, it feels "safer." But there's nothing that makes being an … [Read more...]
Episode BONUS – Laser Coaching: How to (Respectfully) Disagree with a Copywriting Client
As writers our clients hire us to ... well ... write! So, what happens when you know your client wants to take the copy in the wrong direction? Do you speak up? Or do you just roll with what they want? As you'll hear in this laser coaching session, there are a few ways to tactfully and professionally disagree with your client in a way that further positions you as a valuable … [Read more...]
Episode 191: This Copywriter Books Work 3+ Months Out—Here’s How She Does It – Lizzie’s Story
If the thought of networking sends shivers down your spine, rest assured, you're not alone. Especially for introverts, the prospect of "putting yourself out there" can feel intimidating. But as Comprehensive Copywriting Academy student Lizzie discovered, every relationship and opportunity starts with making connections. Join us as we delve into Lizzie's journey, where … [Read more...]
Episode 187: Change My Mind About Advertising! How to Be an Ethical Copywriter
Are you considering a transition into copywriting but struggling to ignore the nagging voice telling you it's “manipulative” or “unethical”? Many people associate marketing with the "icky" feeling of being sold to, thinking it's all about pushing unwanted products onto reluctant buyers. But copywriting *isn't* about sleazy tactics or tricking people into buying things they … [Read more...]
Episode 183: You Will Have Too Much Copywriting Work … Here’s What to Do
For most freelancers, not having *enough* work is often the greatest fear. But having too much work? Psshh, there’s no such thing, right?! Well, as wild as it sounds, there will probably come a point where you are overloaded with copywriting projects. Yes, this might sound like a bit of a “first-world” freelance issue when you’re yet to land your first client. But trust us—it … [Read more...]
Episode 182: What’s the Best Way to Communicate with Copywriting Clients?
As a freelance copywriter, your business depends on getting work—whether it’s from existing or new clients. But managing multiple clients (and clients-to-be) with different needs, deadlines, and expectations can get a little hectic. So how can you protect your time, energy, and creativity without compromising on your quality of communication (or your own sanity)? In this … [Read more...]
Episode 171: Help! My Client Wants to Test My Copy!
“Wait, my copy is going to be put to the test?! What?!” Anything that mentions the word “test” always sounds scary but don’t panic! When a client starts to talk to you about potentially running tests on your copy, this is something that you should not only embrace, but even be excited about. Testing your copy is a chance for you to better serve your client, allowing you to … [Read more...]
Episode 170: Why You Need to Upsell Your Copywriting Clients (And How to Do It the Non-Sleazy Way)
We know by now that pitching clients is hands down the best way to control your workload and your income. But if you’re spending all your time pitching new clients, you could be missing a trick… Sometimes we forget that the easiest clients to pitch are the ones who already know you and love the work you're doing. So today, Nicki and Kate are diving into the strategies for … [Read more...]
Episode 169: 12 Marks of a Lazy Copywriter (And How to Avoid Becoming One Yourself!)
Okay, it’s time to 'fess up. Is some laziness starting to creep into your copywriting? If you find yourself hitting "send" without a second look, resorting to tired seasonal puns (PLEASE no more "fall for falling prices"), or skipping the strategy stage…it might be time for a wake-up call. Our clients rely on us for the highest quality work and, as tempting as it can be to cut … [Read more...]
BONUS – Laser Coaching: How Can I Work Remotely from Anywhere in the World?
Working from anywhere in the world is an aspiration shared by many copywriters. Now, more than ever, clients don’t care where you are. They just care about the work you deliver. Working with remote clients, whether they’re in a different state or another country, can be a bigger challenge than expected. In this Laser Coaching session, Comprehensive Copywriting Student Melanie … [Read more...]