Someone once said that “the richest people in the world look for and build networks, everyone else looks for work.” This was American businessman and author Robert Kiyosaki, one of the most successful book writers of the millennium. His meaning? That building a successful business (and earning a good income as your own boss) starts with finding opportunities, not just … [Read more...]
Common Copywriting Mistakes You Cannot Make
There are a lot of variables and flexibility in copywriting, which is part of what makes it such an appealing career for people who love to write. But I can also tell you that over the course of my 20+ years in the industry (and from making my own many mistakes!), there are also certain inescapable truths. Here, for your learning pleasure, are eight common … [Read more...]
Copywriting Q&A: How to Get More Work From Past Clients
Most copywriters work hard to get their clients. But when the project is over, they let those same valuable clients disappear, never reaching out to them again. Today, we’re going to talk about a strategy to get more work from previous clients. Read on… Today’s question from Molly W., who asks, “I finished up some projects with clients I really, really liked. Do you have any … [Read more...]
The One Question That Makes Copywriting Networking Easy
Say the word “networking” and most people grimace—most people don't like talking to strangers. Most people don’t enjoy talking to strangers. And when it has to do with career advancement and connections, you can double that dislike. But networking (meeting new people in your industry) is essential to building a career. That includes copywriting, whether you want to work in … [Read more...]
Copywriting Q&A: How to Find Solopreneur Clients
Solopreneur clients—one-person businesses—can be great copywriting clients. But where do you find solopreneurs? Read on… Today’s question is from Jakob F., who asks, “I read your article about solopreneurs and think they might be a great target for my growing copywriting business. Where do I find them to pitch myself?” As you know, I always recommend that brand new … [Read more...]
Creative Ways to Market Yourself as a Copywriter
Marketing your copywriting services via your website, networking, and with pitch emails is both crucial and here to stay. But with new technology and new outlets appearing every day, there are all kinds of opportunities to market yourself as a copywriter in new and creative ways. As I’ve said before, and I’m sure I’ll say thousands of times more, you absolutely must have an … [Read more...]
The 5 Things New Copywriters Should NEVER Do
It's hard enough to get started in copywriting without making one of these huge mistakes. And when I say huge, I mean huge: Any one of these is enough to delay your success, if not bring your career to a grinding halt. And what's worse, the vast majority of copywriters will make at least one of these mistakes, if not more. So read on to find out what these mistakes are, … [Read more...]
How to Find and Write for Solopreneurs
I always recommend thatbrand-new copywriters start with brick-and-mortar, local small business clients. You have a lot to offer them, even when you’ve just started learning. But there is another excellent source for copywriting clients: solopreneurs. A solopreneur is a person running a one-person business—hence the “solo.” They run the gamut from health and business … [Read more...]
Here’s Why HR Is Not Your Friend
When you’re already in a job, your friendly HR team is a great ally. But HR is not your friend when you're looking for a copywriting job and, in fact, it might be your biggest barrier to landing an interview—never mind landing the job. Here's what to do when you find a copywriting job you really want. Don't Submit Your Resume for Copywriting Jobs The number one tip I … [Read more...]
Break Into New Copywriting Industries Using Spec Ads
If you’re new to copywriting, you’re probably wondering how to build your portfolio before you actually have things to put in it. Having an online portfolio site is crucial because it helps “sell” you to prospective employers and clients before they even meet you. The samples in your portfolio prove that you know how to write copy, work with a designer, write to a brand … [Read more...]