No one likes paying taxes. But if you're a freelancer, you've got so many more opportunities for tax deductions. That means you paying less in taxes (a.k.a. keeping more money in your pocket). Whether you're in the US or not, you're going to want to listen in. On this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Kate and I are running through a list of tax … [Read more...]
How Soon Can You Make Money as a Copywriter?
One of the most common questions I get from people who are interested in getting into copywriting is, "Great, I'm interested—but when will I start to make money?" It makes sense: we want to know what the earning potential is before we jump headfirst into a new career. So, I’ll answer this question, but I’m going to presuppose that you’re on an actual copywriting study … [Read more...]
Accounting Tips for New Copywriters
Freelancing has taken the world by storm. Bringing with it flexible work schedules and a healthier work-life balance, it's no surprise that 73 million Americans are doing some form of freelance work. In fact, 64% of Gen Z want to work for themselves, explaining that they want to chart their own future and have plenty of entrepreneurial traits. But entering the freelance … [Read more...]
Should a Money Mindset Matter to Copywriters?
If you spend any time online among entrepreneurs and business owners, you’ll already be familiar with a very popular topic: the “money mindset.” If you don’t, here’s what it refers to in nutshell: Your money mindset is how you think about your finances and about money in general. People with a positive money mindset believe that they can make as much money as they want … [Read more...]
Copywriter Taxes: Save With These Deductions in 2025
Taxes aren’t anyone’s favorite task—and we could probably include accountants in that group! But as a copywriting professional who likely takes on some amount of freelance work, you need to take your taxes seriously. Here we look at what kinds of deductions your copywriting career can net you. Before we dig in any further, let us be clear: We are not tax preparation or … [Read more...]
The Easiest Way to Track Freelance Income [With Template]
Once you get money coming in from several clients, things can get a little chaotic—to say the least. With multiple clients, multiple projects, and multiple invoices in various states of payment, how do you keep track your freelance income and keep it all straight? If you're seeing ads for invoice tracking software for freelancers, you may feel like this type of software is … [Read more...]
Copywriting Q&A: Planning for Taxes
If you’re moving from on-staff work to freelancing—or even just freelancing on nights and weekends—you’re in for a whole new world of taxation. Here’s what you need to know… Today’s question comes from Meera V., who asks, “Are there any tax implications I should know about when I accept freelance work? Clients don’t withhold taxes, do they?” This is a very astute question. … [Read more...]
The Importance of “Eff You” Money: How to Financially Prepare to Leave a Job
It should go without saying, but let's get this out of the way: expletives aren’t generally appropriate in the workplace. They are, however, sometimes appropriate to use in your head. Directed toward your workplace. Sometimes, you just gotta get out of there. But you need to make sure you can. Now, to be entirely clear and avoid any liability lawsuits, we're not financial … [Read more...]
How I Lost a Ton of Money (and You Can, Too!)
Step right up and learn from the master! When I was first starting out, I made a ton of mistakes and lost out on an awful lot of money. Want to know how? There’s nothing that I necessarily regret. It was all valuable learning for me, and it lets me pass on that learning to you so you can avoid making the same mistakes. But did I do stupid stuff? Absolutely! Did I miss … [Read more...]
How Soon Can You Make Money as a Copywriter?
One of the most common questions i get from people who are interested in getting into copywriting is, "Great, I'm interested—but when will I start to make money?" It makes sense: we want to know what the earning potential is before we jump headfirst into a new career. So, I’ll answer this question, but, I’m going to presuppose that you’re on an actual copywriting study … [Read more...]