Our team gets asked a lot if our training is appropriate for people with no background in copywriting—for people who are brand new to copywriting.
The quick answer to that is: Absolutely. We teach you all of the basics, and then we help you refine your skills as we teach you the more advanced tactics. A lot of our students actually come in with no experience at all.
But there’s more to it, so I want to dig in a bit.
As Adults, It’s Not Often That We Truly Learn Something New
When we were kids, even into young adulthood, we learned new things all the time. We were used to encountering subjects we knew nothing about and we were comfortable being complete novices.
But after we leave this phase of our lives, it’s not often at all that we encounter things or subjects that are completely foreign to us. Think about it: When’s the last time you were in a position to begin learning something entirely new?
Often, as adults, something interesting happens. Intellectually, we know we’re brand new to something…but we’re still shocked that we don’t know how to do it once we begin.
I’ve seen so many students (of both my courses and colleague’s courses) who will happily admit that they’re complete beginners, but then lament that they haven’t instantly mastered concepts or that other students are further ahead than they are.
My friends: Be gentle with yourselves! We forget this, but it takes time to learn. Some topics you’ll pick up quickly and some may take a little practice, but nothing can be instantly downloaded into your brain.
Every Copywriter Was Once Brand New to Copywriting
Remember that every single copywriter started in exactly the same place: Not knowing anything about copywriting! No one is born knowing how to do this, so if you don’t know a thing about it, you’re in exactly the right place to start.
Be open to learning and be open to the fact that this is a process. We’ll give you all of the information you need and plenty of support, but you need to take the action and practice. Mastery ONLY comes through practice. And, yeah, sometimes practice is fun and sometimes it’s challenging. That’s true with anything!
Don’t Compare Yourself With Anyone Else—Whether It’s Professionals or Other Students
Trying to compare your “chapter 1” with someone else’s “chapter 20” just doesn’t make sense! If you’re brand new and they’re not, you’re not going to know some of the terms they use yet and you’re not going to see the same success as they are yet.
You’re willing to admit that you’re brand new to it, but you also have to make peace with the fact that you’re not going to know everything as soon as you begin the course. You don’t speak fluently on the first day of German class, do you? (Unless you’re a German speaker; in which case, substitute another language. 🙂 )
But you WILL be able to master it if you stick with it; if you’re willing to go through the lessons, if you’re willing to practice the work, if you’re willing to post it in the Facebook group and get feedback on it, and if you’re willing to put yourself out in the world and land clients.
Be open to learning and be open to feeling unsure of yourself for a bit. That might be one of the most important lessons we can possibly learn as grown-ups.
More Resources for Brand-New Copywriters
If you’re brand-new to copywriting, here are a few other resources you may find helpful:
- How to Get Into Copywriting: 6 Must-Take Steps
- Copywriter FAQs: Get Answers to Your Top Questions
- The Everything-You-Need Copywriting Course
Your turn! Are you willing to give yourself the patience to learn? (I mean really.) Let me know in the comments below!
Last Updated on September 7, 2024
Phew. This is exactly what I needed to read. I’m feeling pretty stuck and insecure about the whole thing.
Pitching myself to local businesses is what needs to happen now, but my brain and ego are scared and they say things to me like, “you’re not good enough to do this for someone and get paid. You have no experience” or “There is no reason someone should hire you over another copywriter who can probably do it better than you”
Fear of failure and rejection, and “I’m not good enough”. I know these are things many people experience when starting something new, but there it is. Raw.
Hi Briana,
Yep – you’re moving outside of your comfort zone, and that’s going to be scary! But remember that you don’t overcome that fear *before* you take action, you overcome it *by* taking action. Everyone is afraid of failure and rejection, but what’s the worst that can happen here? The worse is that they’ll just say “no.” Big deal – you can take that! 🙂 Especially since the positive responses are going to allow you to create your copywriting career.
You can do this. 🙂
Thanks for commenting!
I’ve never done anything like this. I’m from South Africa and I’m looking for better opportunities. I love to read and this looks like something I could be good at. But I’m also scared that I won’t get a job since I’m not sure how this industry works.
Hi Soemaya,
Everyone is scared about trying something new. 🙂 If you’re willing to put in the work to learn to write copy, perfect your skills, build a portfolio, and pitch clients (and improve all of your processes as you go), there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to get work. If you haven’t yet, I’d encourage you to sign up for our video at https://filthyrichwriter.com/free-video-training/ – I think it will answer a lot of your questions. 🙂
I want to dive into learning how to write copy, but what if I am not good with sales, self-promotion, or leads?
Hi Addie,
Nobody’s born knowing how to do any of that—which is great news, because that means it can be taught. (And, obviously, that’s part of what we teach our students.) You might also find this post helpful: https://filthyrichwriter.com/how-to-be-a-copywriter-if-you-hate-selling/
Thanks for commenting!
I’ve been writing for employers for years, for lake home rentals, classes, events, job descriptions, state reviewed material, press releases, and as a small town newspaper reporter. I have a BA in Psychology and took writing courses for fun. At my current job I “document” all day. If you can teach me how to earn more than I do now at my 40 hr a week, under 40k a year position, I’ll use my BA as a bath mat.
Hi Rebecca,
Well, I could throw numbers at you like “the average copywriting project earns you between $500-$2000 and you could do at least one a day” or I could point to the thousands of full-time copywriters who are making anywhere from $70k-$120k per year, but, reading between the lines here a bit, I’m not sure that’s what you’re looking for.
I can tell you, quite frankly but with as many good wishes for you as possible, that you’re already at a disadvantage if your attitude coming into this career is “It’s impossible — prove to me that it’s not.” The most successful students come in with the attitude of, “Okay, teach me how to do this—I’ll follow all the steps consistently and persistently until I reach my goals.” Those are the students who succeed.
If you can accept that other kinds of jobs could earn you more money (psychiatrist, head chef, marketing director), it might be worth wondering why it feels like such a leap to accept that another kind of writing job could earn you more money.
I would gently caution you not to let your personal experience color what you believe is possible in the world. Just because you haven’t done it yet (haven’t had the training in copywriting, haven’t learned the steps to build your experience, haven’t learned the steps to find and land clients), doesn’t mean it can’t be done. 🙂
Thanks for commenting!
I’m working my way through the course and excited and nervous all at the same time.
This post was precisely what I needed.
It’s almost as if you’ve been in our shoes before?.
Hi Nicholas,
Ha! Yes – I miiiiiight just have a little personal insight. 😉 I’m so glad this post resonated with you. The nerves are natural, but they’ll decrease the more you practice, the more action you take, and the more you stick with it.
Thanks for commenting!
Dear Nicki,
I am a teacher of seventeen years who loves to write. I have a Master’s degree in Early Childhood education with a concentration in Reading and Literacy. A few years ago, I started my first blog on WordPress. (More a hobby at the time). However, I have always loved to read and write. I have written several unpublished children’s books and completed my first unpublished YA novel this year. The book is over four hundred pages.
I am very interested in becoming a copy writer. However, I am unsure about the steps and how to get started. Reading this article has helped me know that with perseverance and grit I can become a copy writer with time.
Finally, I signed up for more information with your free video, but have not noticed an email in my inbox about the training. Can you please help. Thank you!
Hi Tracy,
The video is a great place to start learning! It actually looks like you received the email about the video on the 8th and opened and clicked an email from the video followup series on the 9th. When you get a sec, shoot us an email at [email protected] and our team will see if we can get you access again.
Thanks for commenting!
Hi! I am considering upgrading my writing skills with copywriting techniques and I’m wondering if copywriting demands are sort of the same worldwide. I expect so since the internet connects us in such a big way, but just wondering if you’ve had Canadians go through your program? Also, do you feel that not having a university degree puts someone at a disadvantage in the copywriting world, or is it more important to prove yourself through examples and experience?
Hi Valerie,
Yep! We have lots of Canadians in our program – the principles of copywriting are the same, no matter the country. 🙂 And don’t worry about not having a degree; one of the great things about copywriting is it’s entirely merit-based. If you can write great copy, people will hire you to write copy, regardless of your background. 🙂
Thanks for commenting!
Hi! I’m a newbie copywriter, with no experience. I really do not know how to start this journey. It’s frustrating!
Hi Adeola,
Thanks for reaching out – it’s definitely difficult to get into if you don’t have training or experience. I’d recommend checking out this video to help you start your journey. 🙂
Thanks for commenting!
Hey Nicki,
I’m super inspired by your website. I am completely new to the idea of copywriting. In fact, until about a month ago, I did not even know it was its own career. I am trying to soak up as much as I can, and I’m interested in courses you may offer. I thought I signed up to be sent information on a class, but I recieved a link to a video (which I will make time to watch tonight). Do you have any full courses?
Hi Jennifer,
Most of our students come into our program completely new to copywriting, so you’re definitely in good company. And you’ll actually get all of the information about the course in that video, so you’re all set there, too. 🙂 I look forward to working with you!
Thanks for commenting!
Hi Nicki,
I’ve been on your email list for awhile and have been considering going through your academy. I am currently working on finishing a master’s degree which has taken a lot of my time; but this will likely be my next step! Anyway, I was going through some older emails and happened upon this blog post. I did just want to point out a small grammatical error- “I’ve seen so many students (of both my courses and colleague’s courses) who will happily admit that they’re complete beginners, but then lament that that they haven’t…” (2 thats) It happens! If you are ever in need of a proofreader I would be happy to talk. Otherwise, I look forward to hopefully working with you soon in your courses! ?
Hi Lacey,
Thanks for the heads up about that extra “that”! And I look forward to working with you in the CCA soon. 🙂
Thanks for commenting!
I’m excited to learn! I have a lifelong love of writing and consider myself a writer, although my official degree is in education. I’m considering an MFA in creative non-fiction, but I am looking at jumping in to writing in non-traditional ways before incurring that expensive cost of master’s program.
Hi Ashley,
It’s definitely a great field to get into for people who love to write – and potentially a way to *fund* that MFA? 🙂
Thanks for commenting!
Hello hello!! 🙂
I’ve been wanting to become a writer in some sense since I was a young, ripe age and my Mom always encouraged me to go for it, she always said it was my gift.
Insert motherhood, self doubt and years of grief after losing my Mom to cancer, I’ve obviously placed my dreams on the back burner..
Well, It’s been almost 7 years, my kids are older and I can feel my Mom urging me to carry on so here I am!
I had no idea this type of platform for writing even existed up until a month ago and I’m so beyond excited to get learning!!
I wish for freedom to stay at home and create my own schedule and am tired of working graveyard shifts as a nurse just to make ends meat.
Sign me up!!!
Hi Katrina,
Good for you for taking steps forward! It can really help to imagine what advice people who love/have loved us would tell us to do, doesn’t it? Where we hold ourselves back and doubt ourselves, our loved ones would see all of our potential. 🙂
Thanks for commenting!
Hello Nicki
I’m a complete beginner to this new concept
Of copywriting but very excited to learn
I’m a poet I have made money on my poems
Plus have honorable mention s .
So will that help me to understand.
As I have the desire to learn
I love to write
Thanks for your video
Hi Sherri! Copywriting is marketing and advertising copy and requires a combination of creativity (which you already have experience with through your poetry work) and strategy to connect people with things they want/need. So, I would say you’re already ahead of the game. However, you can learn copywriting and build a successful copywriting business no matter what your background or previous experience is. 🙂
A ton of students enroll in the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy (CCA) with zero copywriting experience and go on to have successful copywriting businesses that they love (and that fit their lifestyles and needs).
And one of the (many) pros about our program is that we teach both copywriting AND how to build your own copywriting business (including how to find and land clients) … whether you want to do copywriting full time, part time, freelance, on staff, etc.
Let us know if you have any other questions—we’re just an email away!
[email protected]