Undoubtedly, you’ve got at least a couple of social media profiles—Meta/Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter/X, and so on. Hopefully, you’ve already optimized them to feature your copywriting (and aren’t just wasting time looking at what everyone else is doing!). You may even be following or connected to some of the leaders in the industry. But chances are that there are some very important people that you’re not following.
First, you want to make sure you’re following some of the top creatives in the industry and the companies they work for. If there are conversations going on about industry topics and new trends, you want to be at least listening to them, if not contributing to them.
But the second group of people that you’re very probably not following are much more important—directly important—to your career. In fact, they’re posting jobs that might be perfect for you multiple times per day.
Who am I talking about? Recruiters. And not just recruiting firms, but the individuals that work for recruitment firms.
Remember, they make their money when they place people in jobs. So, they want to get notices about those jobs out to as many people as possible. And what’s one of the ways they do it? Via social media.
Many recruiters, both those who work on their own and those who work for firms, regularly post new openings on their LinkedIn profiles. And these are the people you need to be following.
So, how do you find them? Do a search on LinkedIn for “creative recruiter” and start taking note of the people you find. You can connect with them.
If you opt to connect via LinkedIn, personalize your request. It helps you stand out from those who are moving so fast they didn’t even take the time to personalize their greeting. That may make the difference between the recruiter accepting your request and ignoring it.
You should also do a search for your city and “creative recruiter” on X/Twitter and take a look at what comes up. You may find recruiters, or you may find other creatives who follow recruiters. You’ll probably go down a several different rabbit holes, but you’re bound to find several useful people to follow.
Your social media contacts are never fully complete, either. Recruiters move companies and leave their jobs while new recruiters come in to take their places. It’s important to refresh your search for new contacts at least every couple of months. You don’t want to miss the perfect job just because you’re not following the right people!
Watch More: How Copywriters Can Work With Recruiters
In this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Nicki and Kate discuss how copywriters can work with recruiters to get more clients. Listen as they share exactly what you should and should not do when it comes to working through a recruiter.
Your Turn
Who else do you follow on social media? Let us know in the comments below!
Last Updated on October 30, 2024
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