When used correctly, storytelling is a powerful copywriting tactic. But why do I say “when used correctly?” Because sometimes copywriters and clients use storytelling in the entirely wrong way.
On this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Kate and I are breaking down when and how to use this tactic. Plus, we’re giving some examples of storytelling in action—including scenarios where it isn’t appropriate.
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A Sneak Peek at the Episode
[01:30] We are going to talk about storytelling and specifically how to use storytelling to make your copy more impactful. There are definitely a lot of scenarios in which it is not appropriate to use storytelling or storytelling in ways that would not be effective.
[03:02] You can’t tell a story over the course of five emails. It’s just not gonna work. You need to be careful where and how you use stories. You need to make sure, it’s an interesting story, that it has a purpose.
[03:50] Can you build a natural path for people in email funnels? Yes. But that’s a very different thing than telling the story over the course of several emails. If the story is very important, everyone needs to hear it, then maybe it needs to be in several places as well and not just one place.
[04:20] The reason that we use stories is that, number one, as a species, human beings like stories. We respond to interesting stories. We listen to them, we pay attention to them. We also tend to remember them.
[04:47] When you are working with your client and your client might be trying to convey something that is maybe a little bit complicated, or maybe trying to emphasize something that is a really important point, a story can be a great way to do that.
[05:33] Why it is such a terrible idea to use sites like Upwork to try to find clients. One of the reasons is because the ratio is really, really terrible. Like in ‘The Bachelor’ the same thing you’re dealing with if you’re on a site like Upwork. There’s one job, one guy, and I think on The Bachelor, it’s like 20 or 25 women.
[11:40] Learn from a pro, get a pro’s help. Yes, you could go in and try to figure it out yourself and mess it up and then get frustrated and leave it and not come back to it. Either hire a pro to do it for you or like in the case of copywriting, hire a pro to teach you how to do it.
[12:51] Personal stories can work stories out in the cultural arena, as long as it’s something that most people will understand. If it’s something that is very, very unique.
[13:22] Now storytelling is also really, really good for supporting points that might be new or might be a little bit controversial. When our clients are marketing, some of the most effective things that they can say in their marketing is to go against what the advice of their competition is giving.
[16:50] Just thinking of the story and the continuity between elements of copy. Make sure you know what’s coming before and after that copy. When you use an example and you tell a story and then someone gets to the next page and it feels like a completely different experience or the word choices are completely different.
[17:30] You can’t just tell a story for the sake of telling a story. A story has to support the statement or support what you’re trying to get across. It has to bring that person to the same inevitable conclusion. It has to mirror the facts that you were saying in the statement.
[18:35] You can come up with on your own stories that exist in the world. I think those are great places to mind for connections and stories or common metaphors. Things that people understand.
[20:29] The more details the better. Use that as a kickoff for the conversation or a starting point where you could go and where to get material for these stories if it doesn’t make sense to come from your personal experience
[20:55] Coming up with these stories, it’s a matter of brainstorming a little bit. Sometimes just you, certainly if your client is open to it. The point is that using stories can be a great way to increase the effectiveness of your copy.
Must-Hear Takeaways
As with every episode, we highly encourage you to listen to the entire conversation! But here are a few of the highlights:
“As long as a story is interesting and has a purpose, we will engage with those stories. What we’re talking about today is how to use stories to support a specific point.” – Nicki
“The story has to mirror it in the exact same way so that by the end of the story, the listener understands the original statement so much better and so much firmer.” – Nicki
“Your stories don’t have to be long. They can be very quick.” – Kate
“All the specifics are what make a story feel so rich and compelling. So, even if someone hasn’t had that exact experience, they can relate to it and they can put themselves in that scenario.” – Kate
“Storytelling helps people remember things. It also cements your client’s expertise because when consumers are listening to stories and they’re believing stories, that means they’re also believing your client. That’s the part of know and trust factor. The more that you can help your client with that, the better results your client is going to get.” – Nicki
Mentioned in the Episode
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