You've heard me say time and time again that copywriting is an incredibly fun and rewarding career. And it is. But ... it's still a career.There are inevitably times in life—whether as a freelancer or full-time, copywriting or otherwise—when you just don't feel 100%. And sometimes we attribute those crummy feelings to the wrong things.Cloudy days, an odd text from a … [Read more...]
Episode 177: Reframing Your Copywriting Goals to Align with Your Values – with Jessica Lackey
As the owner of a freelance business, you *want* to keep growing but it can be hard to know where to go next in a way that stays true to your vision. And most importantly, how do you get there without burning out? As the leader, you're steering the ship of your business solo, and it can feel lonely without anyone to help you make sense of what’s next. Instead of … [Read more...]
Episode 148: Copywriting Replaced This Teacher’s Income and She Works Less Hours—Jess’s Story
Feeling unfulfilled and burned out from teaching, Jess Frischolz took the brave step to hand in her resignation just over a year ago. Within just one month of working as a copywriter, she was earning the same money and working fewer hours! On this episode, Nicki and Kate speak with CCA student Jess about her inspiring transition from teaching to copywriting. Listen in to hear … [Read more...]
Episode 140: Traveling Europe While Running a Copywriting Agency—Chris’s Story
The idea of traveling the world while working is a distant dream for most people. But one of the best things about a freelance career in copywriting is that you have the flexibility to hop on a plane with your laptop whenever you want! In this episode, we are joined by one of our star CCA students, Chris, who was determined to take advantage of the digital nomad lifestyle. … [Read more...]
Ep. 122: 3 Steps to Taking Time Off as a Freelancer
A huge perk to being a freelancer is that you can work when and where you want. But even with that freedom freelancers are notorious for not taking vacations and working right through, resulting in burnout. As a freelancer you may feel like if you aren't working, you aren't making money. But if you set up your calendar you can plan for this! Nicki and Kate have real-world … [Read more...]
Freelancer Self-Care: 5 Tips for Avoiding Burnout
Whether you're tackling work for clients, learning how to become a copywriter, or any other task that takes up a significant amount of your time, energy, and focus, you need to plan breaks. And I'm not just talking taking the weekend off (though definitely plan in days off, whether it's Saturday and Sunday, or other days of your choosing!) or getting enough sleep (though … [Read more...]
Tip for Success: Take a Vacation From Your Business
If you’ve been a part of this community for a while, you might have read that headline with one eyebrow raised. After all, I tell you again and again that the key to your success is taking action consistently and persistently. (And that is still VERY much true. Write it down somewhere you’ll see it every day. Get it tattooed backwards on your forehead so you’ll see it in the … [Read more...]
3 Steps to Taking a Vacation as a Freelance Copywriter
A freelance copywriter, master of their own schedule, should have no problem taking a vacation. And yet, it's often freelancers often have the hardest time taking a break. After all, you work so hard to get clients and to build up your workload—how can you walk away from that? When clients ask you if you're available for work, your instant reaction is probably always going … [Read more...]
How to Protect Yourself from Copywriting Burnout
In a creative profession like copywriting, it's very easy to succumb to burnout. It's that feeling of being utterly unable to do any of the work you need to do and, as you can imagine, it's dangerous for both your overall well-being—and your career. We all hit the occasional wall where we don't feel like working, aren't feeling creative, or both. Not feeling excited about … [Read more...]
“Should I Change Careers?” 3 Signs the Answer is “Yes”
Should you change your career? In a word: Yes. But there are a few signs you need a career change that can help guide you—if you pay attention to them. Here's the thing: If you’re at a point when you’re really, seriously considering changing your career or heading in a different direction than you’ve always gone, guess what? You need a change. Continuing to head in the same … [Read more...]