A well researched job application and interview preparation is just as important as how you answer questions during an interview. Whether you're applying for on staff jobs or prepping for a call with a potential freelance or contracting client, you'll want to listen int to make sure you're doing the right prep work. Join us for part one of this three-part series! Join us for … [Read more...]
Using Improv to Improve Your Copywriting
In many areas of our lives, we're improvising without even knowing it. Even the most careful planners know that it's extremely rare for any event to go exactly as intended. Despite thinking we know what someone is going to say or how someone is going to react, the outcomes of conversations or events may surprise us. As Patricia Ryan Madson, author of Improv Wisdom: Don't … [Read more...]
Ep. 46: Are the Best Copywriters Introverts or Extroverts?
Often introverts and extroverts are cautious about jumping into copywriting as a career. For introverts, it's because talking and dealing with people on a regular basis can be draining. For extroverts, it can be daunting to be alone in their office and not getting the socialization they need. But neither of those is necessarily how your copy career needs to play out. Whether … [Read more...]
Laser Copy Coaching: Getting Information From Clients, When to Price Your Services, and Boosting Confidence
In this episode, three CCA students each sit down with Nicki and Kate to ask their most pressing questions. These 10-minute laser coaching sessions are designed to help students overcome their biggest roadblock so they can continue making progress on their goals. Jack asks for tips on working through mental roadblocks, Blessilda talks about some of her first pitches and … [Read more...]
Fight These 10 Fears with a Systematic Process
For many copywriters, the transition to becoming a copywriter is filled with the fears that come with any major life change: inadequacy, uncertainty, being judged, and, the overall fear of failure. In the The Bravest You: 5 Steps to Fight Your Biggest Fears, Find Your Passion, and Unlock Your Extraordinary Life, author Adam Kirk Smith breaks down these common fears and six … [Read more...]
Can You Become a Copywriter If You’re Not a Grammar and Punctuation Dynamo?
A confession: I can’t diagram a sentence. I mean, I could once. In seventh grade, I was a master. But now…participles, gerunds, modifiers? I’ve got no fricking idea. It’s important to understand the rules of English so that you can intelligently break them. Unless you’re teaching English or writing academic papers, the logistics of gerunds (et al) don’t really come … [Read more...]
Freelance Copywriting for Introverts
Maybe it’s because writing itself requires so much time alone, but it seems that a lot of people who love to write also require solitude to recharge their batteries. It makes sense, then, that we get a lot of questions about whether freelance copywriting is a good career for introverts. And it can seem like the perfect career for introverts—freelancers get to work from … [Read more...]
One Question That Can Literally Change Your Life
Okay, the bad news is that your mind doesn’t want you to be happy. (There's good news coming too, but bear with me for a moment.) The oldest part of your brain, the lizard brain, doesn’t care if you’re happy as long as you’re safe. And that means it’s going to use aaaaaall kinds of sneaky tactics to keep you in your comfort zone—even if the rest of you wants out of … [Read more...]
Will the Market Be Flooded with Copywriters?
A few nights ago, someone left a comment on one of our Facebook ads essentially saying, “Your training is all well and good, but when the market is flooded with copywriters no one will be able to find work and everyone will have to work for peanuts.” Well, that’s a pretty dire prediction. But as you’ve likely heard me say before: The people who know the least about a topic … [Read more...]
Is Handwriting Ads a Real Way to Get Copywriting Practice?
When I first heard about this tactic, I was shocked. Someone left a comment on a post asking if there was any use in hand-copying other people’s ads to learn copywriting. Then, someone else sent an email to the Filthy Rich Writer team. And, after that, I found out that a few copywriting courses make hand-copying ads a major pillar of their teaching. Let me make something … [Read more...]