One of the keys to selling copywriting services—or selling anything, really—is to make it as easy as possible for a potential client to say yes. The more obvious you can make it that your solution is the best solution, the faster you’ll get them to hire you. The tricky thing is that many would-be clients aren’t entirely sure of exactly what they need. Or they may think they … [Read more...]
4 Pieces of Terrible Advice New Copywriters Get All the Time
Let’s start out today with a reminder: Just because someone is loud, doesn’t mean they’re right. Also, just because something is prevalent, doesn’t mean it’s correct. We can agree on those, right? Okay, good. Because today we’re going to bust some very prevalent myths and debunk some very popular pieces of advice. Why? Because not only are they wrong, but they’re actually … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Vastly Improve Your Pitches to Would-Be Copywriting Clients
Not only should you not be afraid of pitching would-be copywriting clients, but, in fact, they want you to pitch them. And, of course, we’ve also already covered how pitching is the only way to truly be in control of your business and your income and why “easier” ways of finding work (I’m looking at you, Upwork and Freelancer!) are actually the fast track to … [Read more...]
How to Sell a Sales Page Project
We’ve talked about why sales pages are such a great project for copywriters and how to write them so that they’re exceptionally effective. Here we dive into tactics for helping to you sell sales page projects to clients or, more specifically, how to sell yourself as the ideal writer for a client’s sales page project. The thing about sales pages is that, unlike most other … [Read more...]
How to Write a Sales Page That’ll Make Your Client Ecstatic
As we’ve established, sales pages are great projects for copywriters. Sales pages generally require plenty of copy, and, since they directly help your clients make money, they’re very valuable to those clients. Once your client hires you for a sales page project, it's time to deliver a page with wildly effective copy that helps convert customers. Now, it should go without … [Read more...]
Do You Have the Natural Aptitude to Write Copy?
Likely, you're here because you like writing—you’re a good writer and you’ve been thinking that maybe you’d like to make a living with it. But, as one writer to another, I know that knowing you’re good at something and having confidence that you can DO something are two different things. I want to address something really quickly that may be coming up for … [Read more...]
Who Are the Clients for Copywriters?
I’m going to assume you’re already clear on what copy is—persuasive writing, designed to either literally sell something or to persuade someone to take an action or think a certain way—and that you’re also clear on the difference between content and copy. (If not, you can check it out here.) But I think there’s still some confusion out there about where you find copywriting … [Read more...]
Can Copywriting Be a Side Hustle?
Here's the short answer: It is possible to have a copywriting side hustle...but not the way most people treat side hustles. What Is a Side Hustle? What is a side hustle? Well, it’s basically a small business that you run in your free time to help you bring in extra cash. Some people may also refer to side hustles as "side job" or "side gig." It's typically work that you … [Read more...]
How to Break Into Copywriting
Originally Published on Hey, it's Alyssa here! In the spirit of fresh starts and new opportunities, I sat down with one of our long-time friends of Dear English Major, Nicki Krawczyk. We interviewed Nicki back in 2014 not long after the launch of, and she has been kind enough to share some excellent information on … [Read more...]
Why Online Sales Letters are Dead—and What to Write for Clients Instead
There are all kinds of marketing tactics that you should learn to make the most out of your copywriting career. For instance, you need to know about mediums like email campaigns, paid ads (like you see on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and as website banners), opt-in landing pages, and sales pages. But, online sales letters are dead. This is not a medium you should worry … [Read more...]