The path to becoming a copywriter is pretty straightforward: you follow the steps of other successful copywriters. But, nonetheless, resistance kicks up and we all face some of these all-too-relatable phases of becoming a copywriter.
Stuck in one of the below phases? Great news: we’ve offered up our best advice to help you take the next step and move out of that phase (in a few cases, you may even be able to skip ahead!).
1. Despair
“Writers aren’t paid well! There is NO way to make a good living as a writer.”
How to Move Past This Phase
We’ve all heard this one. And, for the most part, it’s sadly true. Journalists and novelists (unless you’re Stephen King or J.K. Rowling) aren’t paid well. (That’s why I named my company Filthy Rich Writer. More on that here >>)
Luckily, if you’re here, you’re already moving on to the next phase because you’re realizing there is one type of writer who is paid well.
2. Dawning awareness
“Wait…what’s a…copywriter?”
How to Move Past This Phase
Copywriting is marketing or advertising writing that is designed to sell or persuade (it’s not about being pushy, tricky, or underhanded). A copywriter is the person who writes those words, otherwise known as “copy.” Read more about what copywriting is (and isn’t) >>
Once you discover copywriting, you may have a few more questions before you’re fully ready to commit. We’ve got you. Check out our answers to the top copywriting FAQs >>
3. Awe
“I can make HOW MUCH by writing copy? Like, for REAL?”
How to Move Past This Phase
It’s very possible to make six figures as a copywriter if you’re working full time (and, frankly, some of our students working part-time are getting close to that number, too!).
It can take a minute for some copywriters to believe that this is not only possible, but possible for them, too.
But you need to know how to write copy (especially if you want to hit six figures!). Copywriting is not like other types of writing (which is why we’re paid so well to do it!). So, you need to understand the principles and practice writing it! The good news: if you get training at this phase in your journey, you may be able to skip phases 4 and 5 (see below).
4. Premature confidence
“Well, I can write, so I’m sure someone will hire me to write copy!”
How to Move Past this Phase
This is one of the top reasons why copywriters fail. It’s also why some people may tell you copywriting is hard to get into. Copywriting is not hard to get into … when you have the training, support, and steps you need to land work!
After all, you wouldn’t hire an electrician to wire your house with no prior practice, right? This phase is followed closely by phase 5. And the next step is the same: get training!
5. Reality sets in
“Oh…they expect me to actually know how to do what I want them to pay me for…”
How to Move Past this Phase
The first step toward becoming a copywriter is getting training. You need to know how to write copy in order to sell your services as a copywriter.
6. Renewed excitement
“Wait—I can learn to do this! And it’s fun!”
How to Move Past this Phase
Once you get training (and practice and build your portfolio and take the other steps to become a copywriter), you realize it’s not actually hard! There are many copywriters who have gone before you (and plenty need for more!). That’s great news for you: all you have to do is follow the steps laid out by successful copywriters who have achieved what you want to achieve.
The key to this phase is maintaining the excitement when you realize your goal is achievable! You’re going to encounter resistance. It may be in the form of imposter syndrome. Or it may be in the form of taking five days to make business cards (and not working on the things that will move your business forward).
This is where your Big Why comes in. This is your reason for pursuing copywriting. This will help you remember why you were so excited in the first place and keep you working toward your goal.
7. Success
“I’m a copywriter and I love it! People pay me a lot to do it! And, damn, I’m good at it.”
How to Move Past This Phase
It feels good to get paid well for helping companies achieve their goals! After all, to us, being “filthy rich” means having a job you love, being valued for the work you do, and making great money doing it. And it’s why we love copywriting.
And while you probably don’t want to move past this phase, you may want to continue leveling up your business. That may mean redefining what success means to you, improving your productivity (and professionalism), or getting more referrals! (Comprehensive Copywriting Academy students: you may want to look into CCA Next Level! Find all the information on your course dashboard: Foundations > CCA Next Level).
Potential Additional Phase: Get Cocky and Make Questionable Choices
How to Move Past This Phase
Well… hopefully you never hit this phase (unlike Peggy on Mad Men 😉 ). But, if you find yourself relating to this phase remember: there’s always more to learn! Check out our team’s book recommendations and pick the title that speaks most to you. Start there and you’re sure to find new sources of inspiration to get you back on track.
Ready to find your own success?
Check out our Comprehensive Copywriting Academy and get all the details!
Your Turn! Which phases of becoming a copywriter do you relate to most? Are there any other phases you experienced on your copywriting journey? Let us know in the comments below!
Last Updated on November 20, 2023
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