Sometimes, others' successes inspire us. But other times? Other times, others' successes makes us feel like we can't possibly achieve the same level of success. Here's the thing: success looks different for everyone, but it can be real hard to shift our mindsets to remember that. Nicki and Kate are discussing why it's so tricky to avoid comparison, but how we can't possibly … [Read more...]
Ep. 61: Juggling Multiple Copywriting Clients
At some point in you career you will have multiple projects at the same time and, for most of us who want to work full-time as copywriters, having multiple clients is the goal! Many of you may be experiencing this already and, if you've had to juggle multiple deadlines, you know it isn't always easy. Nicki and Kate are sharing their top tips for managing several projects and … [Read more...]
Set Your Copywriting Business Up for Financial Success
First, if you hate numbers and you still are reading this post, congratulations! Many copywriters aren't math fans, so you're not alone. But regardless of whether you love numbers or hate 'em, you need to spend some quality time with a few key numbers if you want to set your copywriting finances—and frankly your whole business—up for success. So, if you're serious about your … [Read more...]
BONUS Laser Coaching: Copywriting Strategies Book (Plus, Special Bonus Trainings)
We’re thrilled to announce that now copywriters and business owners alike have a new resource for learning the foundational elements of copywriting. Copywriting Strategies: A No-Nonsense Guide to Writing Persuasive Copy for Your Business, written by the founder of Filthy Rich Writer, Nicki Krawczyk, is a clear and easy-to-understand introduction to fundamental copywriting … [Read more...]
Ep. 60: Set Your Copywriting Business Up for Success in 2022
Ready to set your copywriting business up for success in 2022? Nicki and Kate are sharing ways they set their copywriting businesses up for success each new year. From scheduling regular check-ins with yourself on your goals to exploring what those goals are in the first place, they are digging into ways you can make 2022 the best year yet. You'll want to have your … [Read more...]
8 Tips for Successful Copywriting in 2025
Every new year presents an opportunity for new plans and new goals. It’s a prime opportunity to jumpstart (or restart) your copywriting business. Personal resolutions are notoriously apt to fail, but you don’t have that luxury when it comes to your business resolutions. Here we go over tips for successful copywriting this year, including how to figure out what matters to … [Read more...]
Ep. 59: Buying a New Home with Copywriting Income – Shannon’s Story
Eight years ago Shannon, a Comprehensive Copywriting Academy student, had to leave the workforce to try and manage her fibromyalgia. She continued looking for a job that would not only bring in income, but, as she says, "fuel her soul" and allow her to set her schedule. Within one year of joining the CCA, Shannon went from relying on the food bank to being able to buy a new … [Read more...]
Ep. 58: Gifts to Give Your Copywriting Business
It's time to treat yourself—and your business. Nicki and Kate are digging into gifts you can give your business, but these aren't your typical gifts. These are gifts that can help move your business forward, whether by giving you more time to focus on your business, boosting your skills, or taking care of your business's greatest asset: you. Looking for … [Read more...]
Get Your Copy of “Copywriting Strategies” by Our Own Nicki Krawczyk
We're thrilled to announce that now copywriters and business owners alike have a new resource for learning the foundational elements of copywriting and beginning to wield them: Copywriting Strategies: A No-Nonsense Guide to Writing Persuasive Copy for Your Business, written by the founder of Filthy Rich Writer, Nicki Krawczyk, is a clear and easy-to-understand introduction … [Read more...]
Ep. 57: 4 Ways Copywriters Can Accept Payments
As a copywriter, your goal is to ultimately get paid, right? But as a freelance copywriter, how do you ensure clients can pay you as easily as possible? Nicki and Kate break down four of the most common ways that copywriters can accept payments. As you know, our team is very much against paying for anything that isn't going to pay for itself or help move your business forward … [Read more...]