Money: whether we’re thinking about how much more we want to make in our copywriting business or, alternatively, how scared we are to not make money as a copywriter (or both!), our hang-ups about money are often what cause us to hold ourselves back or even prevent us from fully committing to and pursuing our copywriting careers.
Negative Thoughts About Money
If you’re the type of person who has been saying things to yourself like:
“I could never quit my job.”
Or: “Not now. Maybe in a few months.”
Or how about: “I just don’t have the money for that!”
Then this month’s book recommendation is definitely one you want to put to the top of your reading list. (Really, Reese’s next book club pick can wait 😉 )
Our Book Pick
The Illusion of Money: Why Chasing Money Is Stopping You from Receiving It by Kyle Cease offers tools so you can break past these self-imposed roadblocks you’re creating and realize your full potential in using the skills and knowledge you have at your disposal.
We all have work to do on our money mindset, but where Cease begins is…well…at the beginning, addressing our ingrained beliefs about money and how we can break past these excuses we create in the name of safety.
Rather than letting ourselves argue for our limitations, Cease shares ways to argue for your goals.
With several exercises throughout, the book will prompt you to really pause and work on your money mindset, rather than just read about it (you know we’re all about taking action!).
To be clear, we are 100% not advocating everyone quit their jobs and pursue their dreams tomorrow. (Some of you may love your jobs and want to pursue copywriting as a side hustle!)
But we are advocating you push past any limiting beliefs you may be carrying (and perhaps not even realize). Money is one of the major ways we limit ourselves, and working through these limiting beliefs may help you realize others you need to work on, too.
Books for Copywriters to Improve Skills
- Learning to Effectively Communicate as a Copywriter
- Find Your Why
- Amp Up Your Persistence
- How To Collaborate More Effectively
- Job-Seeker Advice
- Shift Negative Mindset
- Stay Focused Year-Round
More Books for Copywriters
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- Books Every Copywriter Must Read
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- Books by Copywriters
- Business Books for Copywriters
Your Turn
What do you need to work on when it comes to your money mindset? Share in the comments below!
*P.S. This page contains affiliate links.
Last Updated on January 29, 2024
Is there a group to join to discuss the book?
Hi Amy! Great question. Feel free to start discussion in the CCA’s student-only Facebook group 🙂