This isn’t going to be a major revelation but in to be a professional copywriter and have a successful career, you need, well, clients. Paying clients. And to get those clients, you need a proven system for finding, pitching, and landing those clients. (All of which we teach in the CCA, so if you're a student, no worries there.) But all this invariably leads to the … [Read more...]
Why You Need to Resell Your Copywriting Work
Okay, pop quiz, copywriters. Once you found the client, landed the work, written the first draft, and conducted your self-edits, what's the next step? Send the draft back to your client with a friendly, “Let me know what you think!,” right? (Hint: If that were right, this would be a really short post.) Don't Just Send Your Copy Believe me, I certainly understand the … [Read more...]
The (Surprisingly Easy) Art of Negotiation for Copywriters
If the idea of quoting prices for their work already makes most new and would-be copywriters nervous, well then, the idea of negotiating those rates can bring up some serious nerves. But here’s the good news: It’s really not that hard at all. In fact, as you’ll see in a moment, the hardest part…is not talking. Here we offer some ways to negotiate as a copywriter. Don't … [Read more...]
The Importance of Freelancing in Today’s Working World
I say “new truth” but it’s really been creeping up on us for a while. First, companies got rid of pensions…then workers moved away from being “lifers” at companies…then it became common—if not necessary—to change jobs every three to five years. Now, the importance of freelancing is clear: you need the skills to find and land clients (and bring in income) whenever you need (or … [Read more...]
Should I Put Prices on My Website? What Copywriters Need to Know
We hear a this a lot: Should I put prices on my website? After all, when you go to buy anything else online, there’s a clear price. But it’s a little different with copywriting. As a copywriter, you’re always going to customize the service you’re providing to meet your client’s specific needs. A website for one client may require a lot more work than a website for … [Read more...]
Find Copywriting Clients on Facebook: 3 Tips and 1 Big Warning
When it comes to finding clients, the keys are to be systematic, but also to cast your net wide. Facebook makes for a great place to cast some of that net—though not all of it. To mix metaphors, don’t put all of your eggs in one basket! What makes Facebook so great? Well, it’s already a place that billions of people go to seek information, find recommendations, network with … [Read more...]
Beware the Copywriting Influencer Trap (a.k.a. Why You Don’t Need the World’s Most Beautiful Website as a Copywriter)
Thinking about all the professional copywriters in my network, none of them have a major presence beyond their online portfolio. We’re all heads down, working on projects, and, generally, see ourselves as part of a larger team pulling off great work (designers, creative directors, strategists, developers, etc.). You could make the case that I’m not “up” on what’s … [Read more...]
Overcoming Copywriter Imposter Syndrome
We’ve talked a bit before about how resistance can pop up and try to derail you whenever you’re moving out of your comfort zone. (Actually, more than a bit. We’ve talked about it as one of the sneaky distractions that will block your copywriting career progress, how "I can't" is a phrase you need to watch out for, why you need to add The War of Art to your reading list, and … [Read more...]
5 Creative Strategies for Copywriters to Land Work
Okay, you already know that one of my favorite ways to get the word out about your impressive skills and even more impressive copywriting service is to directly pitch clients. ‘Nuff said. (Or, if not enuff said, check out this post.) But, honestly, if ALL you do is send pitches and follow-ups you’ll land clients…but you’ll also get bored. There are more ways to get out there … [Read more...]
5 Keys for Getting Valuable Connections on LinkedIn
Wouldn’t it be nice if there were an online social network where people were focused on business? And how about one where you can find just about anyone you want to connect with or maybe even pitch your services? Obviously, I’m talking about LinkedIn. (I’m guessing the post title tipped you off.) But I wanted to start this post that way to remind you just how amazing an … [Read more...]