Quick quiz! What's the first thing you do when a potential client reaches out to you? A. Squeal in excitementB. Start digging into the copy, duh!C. Stalk them on LinkedIn Well, the answer should be some combination of A and C. Excitement is totally warranted when a new client reaches out—especially if you like the company! But, as with many things in life, we need to … [Read more...]
Examples of Copywriting: What is Good and What is Bad Copywriting?
There are so many mediums for which you can write copy, there are probably more examples around you right now than you even realize! Emails, magazine ads, banner ads, product packaging: it's everywhere! Here's where you can start your search—and how to evaluate whether it's good or bad. Search online Start your search online (which you've probably done if you're … [Read more...]
SEO Copywriting & Strategy 101: How to Write SEO
First things first: SEO, or search engine optimization is a specialized skill. Companies looking for an SEO copywriter often are conflating two roles into one. Dig into the job description, and you may have a bit more clarity on what they want. But, often, you may be asking clarifying questions to the hiring manager as to what, specifically, they want this role to … [Read more...]
How Soon Can You Make Money as a Copywriter?
One of the most common questions I get from people who are interested in getting into copywriting is, "Great, I'm interested—but when will I start to make money?" It makes sense: we want to know what the earning potential is before we jump headfirst into a new career. So, I’ll answer this question, but I’m going to presuppose that you’re on an actual copywriting study … [Read more...]
Ep. 1: What is Copywriting?
Some people argue that copywriting has been around since ancient times—back when people were writing compelling copy for "Wanted" posters. I'm not here to enter into that debate, because what matters to you and me is copywriting in the 21st century. But, if anything, that argument proves the staying power of effective copywriting—and the need for trained copywriters. Think … [Read more...]
3 Things to Remember if You’re Brand New to Copywriting
Our team gets asked a lot if our training is appropriate for people with no background in copywriting—for people who are brand new to copywriting. The quick answer to that is: Absolutely. We teach you all of the basics, and then we help you refine your skills as we teach you the more advanced tactics. A lot of our students actually come in with no experience at all. But … [Read more...]
Will the Market Be Flooded with Copywriters?
A few nights ago, someone left a comment on one of our Facebook ads essentially saying, “Your training is all well and good, but when the market is flooded with copywriters no one will be able to find work and everyone will have to work for peanuts.” Well, that’s a pretty dire prediction. But as you’ve likely heard me say before: The people who know the least about a topic … [Read more...]
Recessions Are Huge Opportunities for Copywriters. Here’s Why.
The first time I made six figures as a copywriter was in 2008...right in the middle of the Great Recession...right after I left my full-time job to go freelance. Why then? Especially knowing that period was when, sadly, companies were laying off staff left and right. But here’s the key: **Companies still needed copy because copy drives business.** Remember, copywriting … [Read more...]
If I Make So Much Money Writing Copy, Why Am I Teaching Copywriting?
Usually, I get this question via a Facebook comment on an ad. And, I’d venture to say that it’s not asked in the most, oh, constructive manner. (Which tends to be the way with most Facebook ad comments that come through in the middle of the night…) But it’s come up often enough—and maybe you’ve even wondered it yourself— that I want to be sure to address it now. The question … [Read more...]
4 Pieces of Terrible Advice New Copywriters Get All the Time
Let’s start out today with a reminder: Just because someone is loud, doesn’t mean they’re right. Also, just because something is prevalent, doesn’t mean it’s correct. We can agree on those, right? Okay, good. Because today we’re going to bust some very prevalent myths and debunk some very popular pieces of advice. Why? Because not only are they wrong, but they’re actually … [Read more...]