If the idea of quoting prices for their work already makes most new and would-be copywriters nervous, well then, the idea of negotiating those rates can bring up some serious nerves. But here’s the good news: It’s really not that hard at all. In fact, as you’ll see in a moment, the hardest part…is not talking. Here we offer some ways to negotiate as a copywriter. Don't … [Read more...]
Search Results for: pricing
Should I Put Prices on My Website? What Copywriters Need to Know
We hear a this a lot: Should I put prices on my website? After all, when you go to buy anything else online, there’s a clear price. But it’s a little different with copywriting. As a copywriter, you’re always going to customize the service you’re providing to meet your client’s specific needs. A website for one client may require a lot more work than a website for … [Read more...]
5 Creative Strategies for Copywriters to Land Work
Okay, you already know that one of my favorite ways to get the word out about your impressive skills and even more impressive copywriting service is to directly pitch clients. ‘Nuff said. (Or, if not enuff said, check out this post.) But, honestly, if ALL you do is send pitches and follow-ups you’ll land clients…but you’ll also get bored. There are more ways to get out there … [Read more...]
What Are the Most Common Copywriting Business Costs?
They say that it takes money to make money … but that’s not always true. Case in point: Your copywriting business. How much does it cost to start copywriting? Not much once you have training. Which, it should go without saying that you need training in order to work as a copywriter. You have to know how to actually provide the service you want to provide, right? And you … [Read more...]
What Software Do You Need to Run Your Copywriting Business?
I have a very firm rule when it comes to purchasing software for copywriters (and things for your business in general). (And this probably traces back to when I started mine decades ago and bought a phone I never used, a business line I never used, letterhead I never used, and a desk and chair that were so much less conducive to work than my sofa.) My rule is this: You … [Read more...]
Should You Package Your Copywriting Services?
One of the keys to selling copywriting services—or selling anything, really—is to make it as easy as possible for a potential client to say yes. The more obvious you can make it that your solution is the best solution, the faster you’ll get them to hire you. The tricky thing is that many would-be clients aren’t entirely sure of exactly what they need. Or they may think they … [Read more...]
Present Yourself as a Professional Even as a Copywriting Beginner
There's nothing wrong with being new. Even the most seasoned, successful copywriters were once new to copywriting. So if you’re starting out right there at square one, guess what? You’re in exactly the right place. That said, though, no one wants to hire a brand-new copywriter. It’s nothing personal: YOU are a fabulous human being. But hiring anyone to do anything is a risk, … [Read more...]
How to Sell a Sales Page Project
We’ve talked about why sales pages are such a great project for copywriters and how to write them so that they’re exceptionally effective. Here we dive into tactics for helping to you sell sales page projects to clients or, more specifically, how to sell yourself as the ideal writer for a client’s sales page project. The thing about sales pages is that, unlike most other … [Read more...]
How to Write a Sales Page That’ll Make Your Client Ecstatic
As we’ve established, sales pages are great projects for copywriters. Sales pages generally require plenty of copy, and, since they directly help your clients make money, they’re very valuable to those clients. Once your client hires you for a sales page project, it's time to deliver a page with wildly effective copy that helps convert customers. Now, it should go without … [Read more...]
The Copywriting Project That Sells Itself to Your Customers
I know I don’t have to tell you that better copy makes a website more effective. If the copy is better, visitors to that site will be more likely to interact, more likely to do what the website’s owner wants them to do. But not all copywriting projects are created equal. Some copywriting projects are ones that are a higher priority than others for clients. And there's one … [Read more...]