Okay, you already know that one of my favorite ways to get the word out about your impressive skills and even more impressive copywriting service is to directly pitch clients. ‘Nuff said. (Or, if not enuff said, check out this post.)
But, honestly, if ALL you do is send pitches and follow-ups you’ll land clients…but you’ll also get bored. There are more ways to get out there in the world than just email! (And even if “out there in the world” has to be virtually.)
So, besides the very solid strategies of 1) tell anyone and everyone that you’re a copywriter and 2) joining Meta groups and contributing feedback and bite-size copy tips to potential clients, here we look at a few more ways to shake things up and get the word out.
1. Be a Podcast Guest
There are just shy of a million podcasts at last count and many of them are geared at your target audience: business owners and/or businesses interested in marketing. Offering yourself up as a guest who can give tips about effective marketing will get your name out there and in front of people who will hear your valuable tips, understand how much you know, and get in touch to have you do the writing for them.
2. Guest Post
Just as there are a million podcasts, there are about as many blogs—many of them belonging to marketers and business coaches. Offering to guest post about tips their audience could use gives you another opportunity to display your expertise and potentially earn some business.
3. Offer Free Trainings
Wait, train people to write their own copy? Stick with me for a second. You could contact business coaches and offer to do free trainings for their clients or audiences about how to write copy (think: sales pages, email funnels, Meta ads, landing pages, etc.). The people listening who were always going to write it themselves aren’t your target audience anyway—but the people who struggle with writing and are looking for a trusted copywriting resource will have found…you!
4. Offer Giveaways
First, make sure you have a way to collect emails or contact information. (There’s plenty of good free giveaway programs and free email providers.) Then, set up a giveaway for either some copywriting service or something else that would be valuable to your exact target audience. Publicize it on all your social media, and then (after awarding the prize) contact all the people who entered to offer up a quick free copy consultation and discovery call.
5. Set Up a Summit
Partner with other service providers who have the same target audience you do (designers, developers, social media managers, virtual assistants, etc.) and set up your very own “summit” even where everyone speaks on a useful topic relevant to what they offer. (There are tons of articles about how to set up a virtual summit now; just google it.) The key, of course, is that all the speakers share the summit information with their contacts so you all get in front of new people. The logistics can be a bit more complicated with this one, but the payoff—especially if everyone promotes it and encourages their audience to share the info, as well—could be huge.
And these are just the tip of the iceberg. Once you start learning more and more about marketing, you’re bound to discover all kinds of new ideas to try. Just be sure that all of these new ideas are geared toward increasing your client base—after all, that’s the end goal, right?
Watch More: Creating Consistent Income
In this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, three CCA students sit down with Nicki and Kate to ask their most pressing questions. Abigail wants to know more about pricing and the feast or famine cycle. Lindsey asks about the best way to approach a discovery call. Finally, Debbie wants to figure out how she can get more bites on her pitches.
Your Turn
Do you have any creative marketing ideas to share with the FRW community? Let me know in the comments below.
Last Updated on February 29, 2024
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