Maybe it’s because writing itself requires so much time alone, but it seems that a lot of people who love to write also require solitude to recharge their batteries. It makes sense, then, that we get a lot of questions about whether freelance copywriting is a good career for introverts. And it can seem like the perfect career for introverts—freelancers get to work from … [Read more...]
One Question That Can Literally Change Your Life
Okay, the bad news is that your mind doesn’t want you to be happy. (There's good news coming too, but bear with me for a moment.) The oldest part of your brain, the lizard brain, doesn’t care if you’re happy as long as you’re safe. And that means it’s going to use aaaaaall kinds of sneaky tactics to keep you in your comfort zone—even if the rest of you wants out of … [Read more...]
Will the Market Be Flooded with Copywriters?
A few nights ago, someone left a comment on one of our Facebook ads essentially saying, “Your training is all well and good, but when the market is flooded with copywriters no one will be able to find work and everyone will have to work for peanuts.” Well, that’s a pretty dire prediction. But as you’ve likely heard me say before: The people who know the least about a topic … [Read more...]
Is Handwriting Ads a Real Way to Get Copywriting Practice?
When I first heard about this tactic, I was shocked. Someone left a comment on a post asking if there was any use in hand-copying other people’s ads to learn copywriting. Then, someone else sent an email to the Filthy Rich Writer team. And, after that, I found out that a few copywriting courses make hand-copying ads a major pillar of their teaching. Let me make something … [Read more...]
The Very Common Assumptions That Will Cut Your Copywriting Business in Half
There are a lot of tasks that require focus and persistence when you’re building your copywriting business. What we’re talking about today is not one of them. The process of compiling the companies that you’re going to pitch should be easy, light-hearted, and fun. This is one part of your business-building in which I’m going to actively encourage you to go down rabbit … [Read more...]
The Perspective Shift You NEED to Make to Be Successful as a Copywriter
Here’s a short post but an important one. When we’re writing copy for our clients, it can be tempting to view the project and your copy through your own perspective. After all, that’s the perspective you’ve been viewing things from for your entire life, right? But when you can’t escape your own perspective, you’re doing your clients—and your career—a disservice. If … [Read more...]
8 Must-Listen Podcasts to Amp Up Your Digital Marketing Knowledge
If you want to stay on top of your game, you can never stop learning. And thank goodness, right? How boring would life (and our careers) be if we never had to learn anything new? Well, good news. As copywriters, we’re in the world of digital marketing and that world is always changing and developing. With new sites, programs, and even means of communication (hello, … [Read more...]
Prepping for a Successful New Year: Looking Back to Move Forward
I love the idea of a fresh start and, as you might expect, I just love the coming of a whole new year. All of the possibilities!! But one important lesson I’ve learned is that if you want to improve the coming year, you need to reflect on the one that’s passing. So, while in the next few weeks we’ll go over key questions to help you plan a successful year ahead, today … [Read more...]
Why Setbacks and “Failures” Don’t Mean What You Think They Do
Look: No one likes to miss their goals. No one. But there are some of us who miss our goals and move on to the next one, and there are some of us who miss our goals and spend a lot of time focused on that failure. And it’s probably no surprise that most of us fall in that second group. When we don’t hit our goals or don’t manage to do what we’d planned to do, most people … [Read more...]
How to Manage That First Copywriting Client Panic
When you’re learning copywriting, building your experience, and starting to look for clients, it can feel like everything is going to be smooth sailing once you first start landing clients. But I want to prepare you for something (and then help you get through it). When you start getting work, your first reaction will be elation. And then, likely about three seconds … [Read more...]