Many new copywriters want to know what the best copywriter resumes look like. And I’ll certainly answer that question, but there’s actually and even bigger consideration that entirely outweighs the resume. Must-Haves on Your Copywriter Resume 1. Benefit to Consumer There’s one simple swap that will make your copywriting resume stand out above all others. In fact, this … [Read more...]
How to Put Together a Copywriting Portfolio (Even With No Experience)
One of the most important things you need to do to build your copywriting career is to build your copywriting portfolio. It's how you prove to clients you know how to write copy well, even before you work with your prospective client. But where do you even start? How do you create a copywriting portfolio website? How to you get samples? Here's how to put together a copywriting … [Read more...]
How Much Experience Do You Need to Become a Copywriter?
The concept of “experience” for copywriters can be a bit tricky: Adequate experience for one project might not be enough for another. And just what constitutes ”experience”, anyway? Is it years? Types of projects? Let’s break it all down. Experience is made up of a combination of knowledge and practice. You gain a base level of knowledge first through training, you … [Read more...]
How to Avoid the Copywriting Niche Trap
Many so-called copywriting gurus will tell you that the path to success is to proclaim a niche right away. But that advice is 100% wrong and, worse, it's potentially damaging to your career. Read on to hear why and find out what you should do instead. The other day, a student said to me, "I’ve heard that I should pick a niche and focus on building samples and finding clients … [Read more...]
The One Thing Your Copywriter Resume Is Missing
There are lots of books and sites about putting together your resume. But the vast majority misses one crucial item—which means your resume is missing it, too. There is one thing that is likely missing from your copywriter resume. When you’re looking for work, the biggest questions on your mind are very likely, “How do I get what want out of a job?” and “Do I want this … [Read more...]
The Difference Between Copywriting and Editing
The word “copy” gets bandied about quite a bit, but how do you know when it’s referring to the work you do (or want to do)? You may see "copy" referring to writing and editing. But does that mean you should prepared to be both a copywriter and a copy editor? The short answer to that is a resounding no. But let's dig into why, what each of these careers entails, and how you … [Read more...]
Why We Love Working as a Contract Copywriter (And You Should, Too)
When most people think of switching careers, they think of leaving one full-time job for another. That can be great. But there’s another option that can offer many of the same benefits, plus a few more: working as a copywriting contractor. Many people use the terms “freelancing” and “contracting” interchangeably, and they do have a few similarities. In both cases, you’re … [Read more...]
The Secret to Being Prepared for Creative Reviews
Creative reviews strike fear into the hearts of many copywriters. It’s not always the most comfortable thing to present your work to a roomful of people. But what if I told you there’s a secret to feeling much more sure and prepared? It’s completely natural and normal to be intimidated by reviews. After all, you agonize over a project only to present it and get feedback on … [Read more...]
How to Build Consistent Copywriting Work—and Income
Freelancing can be wonderful: All that freedom! But with that freedom comes a lot of risk ... if you don't have a proven system in place to find and land clients. If there’s no work, there are no paychecks. So, how do you avoid your income drying up? How do you ensure you always have money coming in to pay the bills and, let's be honest, have a little fun? A lot of people … [Read more...]
Can You Break Your Copywriting Contract Early?
A contracting gig is a great opportunity for a copywriter to earn some steady income, make new connections, and build your portfolio—all without being stuck on staff. But what happens if you want to break your copywriting contract? Are you trapped? The Difference Between Freelancing & Contracting For those of you who are little hazy on the difference between … [Read more...]