At some point in everyone’s career (not just copywriters), you’ll hit some resistance. That’s what happens when we start to get outside our comfort zones.
It’s also just part of being human! More often than not, we’ll face obstacles of our own making. Think: “I’m not going to send this email to this potential client because what if they already have a copywriter and don’t need me?” We let lots of “what ifs” become unnecessary roadblocks that slow or even deter our own success.
But sometimes we’ll face external obstacles that we have zero control over. Think: economic downturns and recessions. (And, as copywriters, we’re very fortunate that there’s a bit less to worry about for us than for lots of other people.)
In the spirit of keeping our spirits up and with the goal of making the most of what you’ve got, here are some resources to help you stay resourceful for when those external obstacles crop up and try to derail your success.
Looking for our team’s top copywriting software recommendations? Find those here >>
Books to Keep You Resourceful
The Obstacle Is the Way by Ryan Holiday
Imagine not just dealing with obstacles, but appreciating them…and welcoming them. This book could lead to a major mindset breakthrough and it’s definitely worth reading.
Everything Is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo
No matter what you’re facing or what you’re dealing with, there’s some way to figure out a different or better outcome. Prepare to feel empowered.
The One Thing by Gary Keller
Sometimes the best way forward is by focusing on one goal and just keep moving in that direction, no matter what comes up. This book is about how to choose that one goal, and how to identify the one thing you should do each day to get there.
Podcast Episodes to Listen to Right Now
Brooke Castillo’s The Life Coach School Podcast
Don’t be fooled by the name: this podcast is not just for life coaches! The insights and tips offered on this podcast are hugely important to business owners of call kinds. Plus, the focus on serving clients is absolutely critical to copywriting success, just as it is for life coaches.
Episode: The Handling Chaos series
Tony Robbins Podcast
In addition to new podcast episodes, the Tony Robbins podcast includes excerpts and clips from his signature events and interviews with experts of all kinds. Prepare for a huge dose of inspiration.
Episode: Stand Guard at the Door of Your Mind
James Wedmore’s Mind Your Business Podcast
James Wedmore, a seven-figure online entrepreneur, knows that mindset is a major key to business success. The sooner you start to put in the work on your mindset and attitude, the sooner you’ll start to see results. After all, if you don’t believe something is possible, it’s pretty hard to achieve it!
Episode: The Shift That Is Happening
Stacy Tuschl’s Well Oiled Operations Podcast
You’re the owner of your copywriting business, but sometimes it helps to hear from business owners who use copywriters and can benefit from your services. Hearing from this perspective can give you additional insight into ways to partner with businesses, as well as tactics for how to level up your business owner mindset.
Episode: Moving Your Business Forward During a Recession
Learn More: Other Podcasts to Check Out
For even more podcasts to stay on top of your game, we’ve compiled another list of eight essentials you can check out here.
Techniques to Stay Resourceful
Ask Empowering Questions
Resist using the words “I can’t”—now or ever—and, instead, ask questions like “How can I [fill in the blank]?
Read more about how this simple habit switch can help you combat resistance of all kinds >>
Differentiate Between Interpretations and What Is Objectively True
Our brains love to interpret the world for us. We do it so quickly, we sometimes don’t even recognize it. It’s how we’ve evolved to survive, and in many scenarios it’s helpful. But in others? It helps to slow down and consider the facts.
For example, “There are SO many copywriters! There will never be work for me!” Versus the truth: There are almost 10 million online retailers. That’s just online. And that’s just retailers. That’s not considering brick-and-mortar businesses or other types of busineses.
With so much opportunity for copywriters, you can instead think, “Wow, if it’s possible for those copywriters to make it, that means it’s absolutely possible for me to make it.” The fact that it’s something that is doable and achievable—other people are doing it—means that it’s possible. And if something is possible, it means it’s possible for you, too.
Limit Your News Consumption
There’s only so much that you actually NEED to know—the rest is just going to fan feelings of panic, despair, and powerlessness.
This goes for news, but it also goes for other types of information. Find yourself comparing yourself to other copywriters and shutting down instead of finding it inspiring and taking action? Stop following them on Instagram temporarily.
Focus on the actions YOU need to take to move your business forward and you will make progress on your goals.
Keep Your Resources Updated
There is so much information in the public domain and there are several sites you’ll want to bookmark so you have them handy if you need them. Create a folder for “Copywriting Resources” or, if you start to have too many copywriting resources, subfolders that get specific. Check out our recommended sites to bookmark here >>
Your Turn
What resources have been helpful for you? Please share in the comments below!
*Psst: This page contains affiliate links.
Last Updated on January 21, 2025
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