It’s not easy starting a new career, much less building a successful one. Building a copywriting career is a big goal, and big goals are almost always challenging. Think about it. Running a marathon, raising a healthy and happy child, writing a book, and losing 100 pounds are big goals are all difficult. It can feel scary and cause you to doubt yourself more than anything … [Read more...]
Build a Successful Copywriting Business with This Trait
When new copywriters are getting started, they often write to me looking for a "magic bullet" for building a successful copywriting business. And I usually say that there isn’t one. Except…there kind of is. Building any kind of business is challenging, plain and simple. Anyone who says you can "make six figures in your pajamas working two hours a week" is lying. It’s, of … [Read more...]
How Do You Find the Confidence to Get Started in Copywriting?
Even when you want something very badly—a new career, for example—it’s not always enough to get you to take the steps to begin. Here we look at how to find the confidence to get started in copywriting. I wish I could tell you that there was some magical incantation or elixir that would instantly give you confidence. There just isn’t. But there are two things that, when … [Read more...]
How to Find the Time to Learn Copywriting
One of the biggest obstacles to making a significant change in your life is finding the time to do it. Here we break down exactly how find the time to learn copywriting and build your copywriting career. Finding the time to do anything is, first, a matter of priorities. (And, please understand, this is coming from someone who definitely does not always master her … [Read more...]
The Dirty Secret About Copywriting Certificates
Many new and would-be copywriters think they need a copywriting certificate—some sort of proof that they know how to write copy. After all, how else will employers or clients know that you know how to write copy? But not only is copywriter certification not necessary, it could actually be detrimental to your job hunt. What you do need is copywriting training. You need … [Read more...]
A Response to “I Never Should Have Followed My Dreams”
A story that I read in a decade ago on popped up in my newsfeed again, and I was as baffled by it this time as I was the first time. The article is called “I Never Should Have Followed My Dreams,” and it’s about a man who quit his job in a social policy research organization to become a freelance copywriter. The gist of what happened is that he took an … [Read more...]
Looking Back at 2016 and Planning for 2017
As we’re wrapping up the new year, I thought I’d share a year-end ritual that preps me for success in the new year. First, I start by looking back at the year that’s ending and asking myself a few questions. The key, of course, is to be gentle with myself and what’s over, but also be ruthlessly honest in my evaluation. What went well with my career this year? What were my … [Read more...]
Gifts for the Writers on Your List (or for Yourself…)
If someone on your holiday shopping list is a writer, you know we can be a hard bunch to buy for. After all, we already spend a lot of time online shopping as we procrastinate while headlines loom. ;) So, to give you a little helpful holiday hand, we've put together this list of gifts that should make any writer gleeful. And if you happen to be a writer yourself, well, … [Read more...]
How Copywriters Can Deal With Lazy Clients
Landing clients is your first (and very doable) challenge to build your career as a copywriter. But after that, there are some clients who require more assistance than others. And some who require a lot more assistance. Here’s what to do with the clients who don’t want to hold up their end of the bargain. Most clients understand that if they want good output … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Make Your Copy Boss Hate You
In any job, you want to earn the trust and respect of your boss. But let’s turn that on its head a bit, shall we? We’re going to explore the things copywriters do that make bosses hate them. The easiest tips for making your boss happy with your work are to work hard, stay engaged, and keep learning. But let’s look at it from another angle: What would a copywriter do … [Read more...]