As you know, we're always reading the latest books on productivity, marketing, leadership, and more so you know how to prioritize your reading list. But here we wanted to give you some, let's say, lighter reading. This list of books includes works written by famous copywriters. (Well...copywriters who became famous from their books. There really aren't "famous" copywriters … [Read more...]
Setting Boundaries as a Copywriter
Working late into the night, taking our computer with us on vacation, answering emails on the weekends: these are all options as freelance copywriters, but they're not mandatory. However, sometimes we feel like these are mandatory tasks. We think we have to get something done and so we sacrifice our free time or, worse, vacation because we didn't set boundaries—with ourselves, … [Read more...]
Create Your Own Career Path
Graduate high school, go to college, get a job, work your way up within that company, and retire. That's the typical career path we've all heard, right? Many of our parents may have followed a very similar career path. And, though they are very well meaning, may have encouraged us to follow that career path, too. They may have even cautioned us about changing careers too fast. … [Read more...]
Book Pick: How to Get Out of Your Own Way and Achieve Copywriting Success
Often, we're faced with several open doors...but we self-sabotage and get in our own way. When we have an an opportunity (or several opportunities!), it's all too easy to not take action toward it, whether because we don't know how, we're fearful of doing so or some combination of the two. Whatever the reason, it's easy for us to spiral into negative thinking. We start to … [Read more...]
Book Pick: How Copywriters Can Collaborate More Effectively
As copywriters, we do a lot of work on our own. After all, the actual writing of copy is a fairly solitary job. But often, we need to collaborate. With designers, yes, but also with project managers, marketing managers, and other key stakeholders within an organization. The Importance of Collaboration This is true whether you work in an ad agency or on an in-house team. … [Read more...]
Book Pick: Why Your Obsession With Money is Getting in the Way of Your Copywriting Success
Money: whether we're thinking about how much more we want to make in our copywriting business or, alternatively, how scared we are to not make money as a copywriter (or both!), our hang-ups about money are often what cause us to hold ourselves back or even prevent us from fully committing to and pursuing our copywriting careers. Negative Thoughts About Money If you're the … [Read more...]
Learning to Effectively Communicate as a Copywriter
We talk all the time, but how often do we evaluate how effective we are at communicating? (And how often do we say we write copy, we don't speak it?) Our Book Pick In It's the Way You Say It: Second Edition: Becoming Articulate, Well-Spoken, and Clear, Carol A. Fleming shares how you can not only become aware of how you communicate but how you can more effectively … [Read more...]
Book Pick: Find Your Why (Companion Notebook to “Start With Why”)
Many of you have already read Start With Why by Simon Sinek, but in case you need a refresher, it explains what the most impactful leaders have in common: a deep reason, or "why," for doing what they do. Without a why, the what you do won't matter. You'll eventually burn out, give up, or simply slog through each day. But that's not the book we're recommending here (though we … [Read more...]
Get Your Copy of “Copywriting Strategies” by Our Own Nicki Krawczyk
We're thrilled to announce that now copywriters and business owners alike have a new resource for learning the foundational elements of copywriting and beginning to wield them: Copywriting Strategies: A No-Nonsense Guide to Writing Persuasive Copy for Your Business, written by the founder of Filthy Rich Writer, Nicki Krawczyk, is a clear and easy-to-understand introduction … [Read more...]
Best Gifts for Copywriters
'Tis the season of giving...and giving ourselves a little something for moving our business forward this year. For this year's Copywriter Gift Guide, the entire Filthy Rich Writer team has given their suggestions for office must-haves, can't-miss books, and more. If you're looking for a gift for the copywriter in your life, we know you'll find something they'll love. And if … [Read more...]