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Do it! Just do it!”
That’s often what I find myself yelling at my computer screen when I don’t want to do the task that I know I need to do.
Now, I’m the first to admit that I’m not the most productive person in the world. But there are a few tactics that I use to get stuff done—even when I’m not having my best day.
On this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Kate and I are sharing our best tips for how we get work done when we are dragging our feet and would much rather stay on the couch.
If you’re avoiding certain tasks, listen to this episode now and you’ll come away with tactics you can immediately use to do the things you need to do.
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A Sneak Peek at the Episode
[02:40] If there’s stuff on your to-do list that is just not getting done, as if it’s passive, that you are not getting done, then this episode is designed to actually really give you tactics to use immediately. The first thing before we get into the tactics is doing a little thinking or a little reflecting on why it is that you’re not doing it.
[03:36] Sometimes it’s just not fun. It’s a job. The other element to it is there are deeper reasons for it. A deeper seated hesitation or a fear more than anything else. Like working with a new client, how do we work best together? Figuring all of that out. There’s a lot of unknowns and that’s not something you can control right at the beginning.
[05:24] How do I set this up so that it’s the best thing possible? And I’ve learned that you just gotta get on that first call, that’s the first step. You gotta show up and everything else will fall into place.
[07:17] Why we’re making this the first step is identifying what it is that’s keeping you from taking that action is you can’t deal with that fear. You can’t deal with that discomfort unless you actually acknowledge it.
[08:07] Once you have identified what it is that is holding you back one way or the other, we have very, very practical steps for how to get yourself doing it. One of the first things that I always go to is breaking something down into smaller tasks.
[11:60] Break things down beyond the standard steps. Break things down to steps that are so absurdly tiny that it’s almost easier to do them than to not do them. They’re so tiny and easy to do that none of them individually kick up resistance.
[14:25] When I break it down to something that is so stupidly tiny. That’s when you can actually go, all right, fine. I can just do that one. This is also stupidly tiny, so I can do that one. Before you know it, you’re actually doing it and you’re making a progress.
[16:45] Another tactic as well, which is to either give yourself a limited number of things to do, or a limited time in which you do this. So you could do five items or a time limit. I’m gonna set the alarm and I’m gonna do what I can do in 10 minutes. After those 10 minutes I get to do something else. I’m gonna come back to it again later. So that limitation can make it that much more doable.
[20:06] Megan Summer did a session for CCA students if you go to the summer freelance summit. Be careful for the excuses that you make to yourself. Identify what do you actually need to get work done.
[20:20] One of the things that the author from the book, “Get things Done”, recommends doing is do a full brain dump. Sit down and write down everything that comes up into your head that you need to do. Everything for home, for work, for your significant other, and for the kids. Everything you need to do now.
[21:15] Get it down on a sheet of paper, type it, and write it out. It feels so much better knowing that everything is accounted for. Everything is down on a piece of paper. Now I can figure out how I’m gonna get it done and in which order and all of them.
[22:12] Automate as much as you can of it. If things are recurring, put it on your calendar with a recurring indefinitely settings. You don’t have to think about it ever because you’re gonna be reminded. It’s on your calendar.
[26:36] When you set your future self up for success now, you make your life so much easier and you make success almost inevitable. How am I gonna chip away at my copywriting goals? I think, if after work is not working for you, try the morning, try lunch. What’s getting in the way? So figuring out what really works for you and playing around with that.
[29:40] The unsexy secret to success is consistency and persistence. So instead of trying to force the way you think it has to be, take a moment to step back and say, okay, how can I get creative with this? How can I problem solve in the most creative way I can?
[30:43] You’re probably not gonna hit it the first thing. Just play a little bit more. Just think of it more as an experiment to find what works for you. But give yourself that permission to, let’s see what we’re, there’s no right or wrong.
[32:02] We’ve talked about how to add a fun element to it too. For me, I can’t listen to music that has words. It’s good because it’s non-focal. And it’s a little upbeat. It’s fun. It’s amazing how your mood can impact your work and your ability to get things done.
[34:20] Have an external mechanism to make you get something done. It can be effective. If freelancing didn’t have deadlines, I would have never made any money because I need to have a deadline in order to organize my mind. Are there external mechanisms you can use to get yourself focused and to take action?
[38:01] When we start with the big things, the things that matter and we get those done, the other less consequential things we can fit in between.
[41:37] Sometimes they’re games that we have to play with ourselves to get ourselves to do the things that we just don’t feel like doing. Discomfort is a sign that you are heading in the right direction. Regardless, we have to do it.
[42:05] So what we’ve given to you today is a monopoly of options for ways to get yourself going, get things done. You don’t need to use all of these, You don’t need to. But back to the concept of experimenting, try one and if it works for you tell us what works.
Must-Hear Takeaways
As with every episode, we highly encourage you to listen to the entire conversation! But here are a few of the highlights:
“Discomfort is a sign that you are heading in the right direction. And maybe even just knowing that will help a little bit.” – Nicki
“If I have something that is on there for more than two days that I’m just not digging into, that I know it needs to be broken down into smaller steps.” – Nicki
“If you wait for the motivation to do it, you’re going to be waiting indefinitely. You are going to have to do it even when you don’t feel like doing it. Even when it kicks up a little bit of discomfort.” – Nicki
“Any progress is good progress. Even if it’s absurdly tiny progress.” – Nicki
“The difference between successful, effective copywriters and people who aren’t, they’re so small. I think that you would be shocked at the difference. It is not much at all. It is tiny little things like these set future you up for success.” – Nicki
“If you’re not hitting your goals now, something needs to change. So the best thing that can happen is that you start chipping away at your goals. The worst thing that can happen is that you stay stuck and keep doing the same thing and then nothing changes.” – Kate
“Putting the big rocks in the jar first means that you get the most important stuff done and the other stuff, you can fit it in around those big rocks.” – Nicki
“Sometimes there are techniques and sometimes we just have to play little games with ourselves. Whatever it takes, we get things done and we move on.” – Nicki
Mentioned in the Episode
- Get Things Done Book
- 3 Simple Tools To Help You Stop Procrastinating and Start Doing with Megan Sumrell (note: must be logged into the CCA to access)
- Episode 158: Set Your Future Self Up for Success Right Now
- Staying Productive When I’m Unmotivated: Pomodoro Technique
- 5 Tips for Getting Down to Your Copywriting Work
- 4 Productivity Tactics
Related Links
- Daily Habits of the Most Successful Writers & Creatives
- Amp Up Your Copywriting Productivity With Ultra Scheduling
- When You Need to Get Down to Work: The 5 Second Rule
- 5 Ways Super-Productive Copywriters Start Their Days
- 4 Tools to Stay On Top of Your To-Do List
- Staying Productive While Working From Home
- The System Copywriters Need to Efficiently Get Work Done
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About the Build Your Business Podcast
Ready to turn your love of writing into a successful copywriting career?
Join professional copywriters Nicki Krawczyk and Kate Sitarz to get the tips, tools, and training to help you become a copywriter and build a thriving business of your own. Nicki and Kate have 20+ and 10+ years of experience, respectively, writing copy for multi-billion-dollar companies, solopreneurs, and every size business in between.
Whether you want to land an on-staff job, freelance full-time and work from wherever you want, or make extra money with a side hustle, the best place to start learning is right here.