Sick of pitching to land clients?I have good news and bad news for you: pitching is always going to be the direct line to landing work, but there are other tactics you can mix in to keep things fun.(And, if you ask me, pitching CAN be fun, but I'll save that conversation with you for another day ;) )I am thrilled to share Kate and I sat down with podcast pitching pro Christina … [Read more...]
Episode 187: Change My Mind About Advertising! How to Be an Ethical Copywriter
Are you considering a transition into copywriting but struggling to ignore the nagging voice telling you it's “manipulative” or “unethical”? Many people associate marketing with the "icky" feeling of being sold to, thinking it's all about pushing unwanted products onto reluctant buyers. But copywriting *isn't* about sleazy tactics or tricking people into buying things they … [Read more...]
Episode 164: Changing Roles Within Your Current Company – Joseph’s Story
When it comes to landing copywriting roles, the proof really is in the pudding. If you can demonstrate that you can do great work, the opportunities are there for the taking–and some of them might even be right under your nose… In this episode, Nicki and Kate are joined by Comprehensive Copywriting Academy student Joe, who shares how proactively pitching an idea helped him … [Read more...]
Episode 145: Catchy Hook or Clickbait? How to Tell the Difference
There’s nothing worse than scrolling online and coming across a headline that you simply have to click—only to discover you’ve been completely misled and won’t be getting the answers you wanted. As a copywriter, how do you know if you’re writing effective hooks or if your copy falls into the dreaded clickbait category? In this episode, Nicki and Kate discuss the importance of … [Read more...]
BONUS – Laser Coaching: How To Find Email Copywriting Clients
One of the best parts about being in charge of your own copywriting career is that you get to choose the type of work you want to focus on. In this Laser Coaching session, our hosts are joined by CCA student Kory who has a desire to become specialized in email marketing but is unsure how and where to start finding clients with his limited experience. Listen to find out how … [Read more...]
Get Your Copy of “Copywriting Strategies” by Our Own Nicki Krawczyk
We're thrilled to announce that now copywriters and business owners alike have a new resource for learning the foundational elements of copywriting and beginning to wield them: Copywriting Strategies: A No-Nonsense Guide to Writing Persuasive Copy for Your Business, written by the founder of Filthy Rich Writer, Nicki Krawczyk, is a clear and easy-to-understand introduction … [Read more...]
Keep This in Mind for Your Copywriting Business Name
One of the first things that trip up new copywriters as they’re getting started is naming their business. “How do I name my copywriting business? Should I use my name? Should I get a logo? Do I need to do a trademark search?” Let me make something very clear from the beginning: You do NOT need to name your business. I never have and many copywriters don’t. I, myself, write … [Read more...]
5 Creative Strategies for Copywriters to Land Work
Okay, you already know that one of my favorite ways to get the word out about your impressive skills and even more impressive copywriting service is to directly pitch clients. ‘Nuff said. (Or, if not enuff said, check out this post.) But, honestly, if ALL you do is send pitches and follow-ups you’ll land clients…but you’ll also get bored. There are more ways to get out there … [Read more...]
4 Things Most Copywriters Get Wrong on Their Portfolio Websites
You already know that a portfolio site is essential for copywriters—no ifs, ands, or buts. (And luckily, there are plenty of sites that make creating your own site super easy. No sweat!) But there are several common copywriting portfolio mistakes our team sees time and time again that can mean the difference between landing work and having clients leave your page. Your … [Read more...]
Should You Run Facebook Ads to Advertise Your Copywriting Business?
First, let me start by saying that you DO NOT have to invest in Facebook ads to build your business. If they don’t interest you at all, you’re off the hook. On the other hand, if they’re something that intrigue you, there are a few things you should know… The thing is, Facebook ads are really incredible in a lot of different ways. They offer an amazing level of targeting … [Read more...]