I know I don’t have to tell you that better copy makes a website more effective. If the copy is better, visitors to that site will be more likely to interact, more likely to do what the website’s owner wants them to do. But not all copywriting projects are created equal. Some copywriting projects are ones that are a higher priority than others for clients. And there's one … [Read more...]
Who Are the Clients for Copywriters?
I’m going to assume you’re already clear on what copy is—persuasive writing, designed to either literally sell something or to persuade someone to take an action or think a certain way—and that you’re also clear on the difference between content and copy. (If not, you can check it out here.) But I think there’s still some confusion out there about where you find copywriting … [Read more...]
What is a Design Studio? And Why Are They Key to Steady Copywriting Work?
As a copywriter, design studios could end up being instrumental in your success! As a new copywriter, once you land your first few local clients, it’s time to branch out. Sure, you’ll start expanding your prospecting, you’ll start engaging with remote potential clients, and you’ll get listed with recruiters. But if you’re ignoring design studios, you’re missing a major … [Read more...]
The Simplest Way to Start Finding Copywriting Clients
For a lot of new (or would-be) copywriters, one of the most daunting steps in the process is to start finding copywriting clients. “Where are they? Who are they? How do I talk to them? Will they reject me?” We’ve talked a little bit about why you don’t need to be afraid of finding clients already, and today I want to talk about the simplest way to start finding them. And … [Read more...]
What to Do When You’re Afraid to Prospect for Clients
You may have heard us say it, but we'll keep repeating it because it's never been more true: putting your faith in a job or putting your faith in clients coming to you (whether through referrals or job-bidding sites) doesn’t work. In fact, putting your faith in any of those is pretty risky. The only thing you can count on is a thing you can control. And that’s why … [Read more...]
How to Book Up Your Copywriting Business for the Next Few Months
It’s the most wonderful time of the year…for your business Whether you like it or not that it’s only October 1st and the stores will begin stocking Christmas and Hanukah decorations soon, there’s one key takeaway for you as a copywriter… Businesses are starting to think about holiday promotions... Which means you could be writing those promotions for them. That’s … [Read more...]
When to Be in Client-Finding Mode
A few years ago, I was on a flight and in a bad mood. The flight had been delayed, I was tired, I had a lot of work ahead of me and, to top it all off, the woman next to me was actually reading my computer screen over my shoulder. Who does that?? I’m not proud to say that my knee-jerk reaction would have been to give her an annoyed, nasty look. Instead, though, I … [Read more...]
The Secret to Sustaining Freelance Copywriting Success
If you’re creative and you’re looking to make money as a writer, I have good news for you: Copywriting is absolutely the way to go. You get to be creative and you get paid well for the work that you do. However, if, to you, “being creative” means being airy and free and without constraints, I have bad news for you: You’re not going to make much money. For a lot of … [Read more...]
How to Reach Out to Copywriting Influencers and Prospects
Meeting new people can be scary for a lot of people. But, unless everyone you already know wants to buy your copywriting services, you’re eventually going to have meet new people to find clients. Reaching out to new people to grow your network helps you build valuable connections that will also help you grow your business. But, just as with anything else, there’s a right way … [Read more...]
Land Copywriting Clients With These 35 Tips
Looking for copywriting clients is a big part of your job. (At least initially; eventually referrals will make everything much easier.) Many new copywriters can fall into a little bit of a client-search trap, though: They pick one method of searching and stick with it. If that method works consistently for you, then great. But it’s much more likely that that method will be … [Read more...]