"Hold on Loosely" was a hit in the early 80s, but it's also the theme song of this podcast episode. As copywriters, we have so much flexibility, but often we don't take full advantage of that flexible because we let our own self-imposed roadblocks get in the way. Nicki and Kate are discussing the importance of exploring opportunities as they come and "loosely" planning versus … [Read more...]
Learning to Effectively Communicate as a Copywriter
We talk all the time, but how often do we evaluate how effective we are at communicating? (And how often do we say we write copy, we don't speak it?) Our Book Pick In It's the Way You Say It: Second Edition: Becoming Articulate, Well-Spoken, and Clear, Carol A. Fleming shares how you can not only become aware of how you communicate but how you can more effectively … [Read more...]
Ep. 67: Copywriting as a Creative Outlet for an Actor – James’s Story
Meet James, a Comprehensive Copywriting Academy student, who comes from an acting and filmmaking background. He has found early success in his copywriting career by pairing his CCA training with the creative talent he developed through his personal journey. In this episode, James talks to Nicki and Kate about how copywriting has been a perfect match for him and how he is able … [Read more...]
Ep. 66: Feedback: Why Copywriters Must Embrace It
Getting feedback on your copywriting is inevitable. The sooner you can begin to embrace it, the better. Nicki and Kate are digging into why feedback is incredibly valuable for copywriters, both feedback from other copywriting students as you're learning and feedback from your clients. If the thought of getting feedback makes you nervous, this is for you. Learn how you can take … [Read more...]
BONUS: Why We Love Copywriting
'Tis the season for love, and in this bonus episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Nicki and Kate are sharing all the reasons why they love copywriting. From the flexibility to work when and where you want to the variety of potential clients and mediums that keep work interesting, there are so many reasons to love copywriting. What do you love most about … [Read more...]
Ep. 65: Combatting Work/Life Balance Guilt as a Copywriter
When you work from home, it can be very hard to have work-life balance. And, if you're like Nicki and Kate, you may even feel guilty when you're not spending time on your business! On this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Nicki and Kate are digging into ways that they have tried to find separation between work and life. Inevitably, your … [Read more...]
Ep. 64: Effective Evening Routines for Copywriters
There's a lot of talk about morning routines (including our own episode on it - check it out!). But equally as important are evening routines. If you don't have a solid system for prepping for the day ahead, your morning routine may not even matter! Nicki and Kate talk about how you can use the end of your day to set yourself up for success for the following day. … [Read more...]
Book Pick: Find Your Why (Companion Notebook to “Start With Why”)
Many of you have already read Start With Why by Simon Sinek, but in case you need a refresher, it explains what the most impactful leaders have in common: a deep reason, or "why," for doing what they do. Without a why, the what you do won't matter. You'll eventually burn out, give up, or simply slog through each day. But that's not the book we're recommending here (though we … [Read more...]
What’s Your Copywriting Persona? [Quiz]
Ep. 63: Part-Time Copywriting as Part of a Full-Time Career – Nicole’s Story
When Nicole first joined the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy in late 2019, she was house sitting and planned to build her freelance copywriting business. Then 2020 happened. Nicole took a full-time job teaching at a college and didn't know if she would ever go back to copywriting. Of course in another 2020 twist, her course load was reduced. Copywriting became her security … [Read more...]